Jasmine here. I've been exceptionally good letting Mom give me my medicine twice a day. It's nasty stuff, but I am smart enough to know it's good for me. The little pest has started a meme about how cats get their names. I decided to tell my story today.
I came to live here as a kitten. Gizzy was living here, and he was just one year old. Mom wanted to name me Jazzy, which was similar to Gizzy's name, but little Mr Karate didn't like it. The movie Aladdin had come out and they had gone to see it. Little Mr Karate liked the Princess, Jasmine. So he decided I should be called Princess Jasmine. Mom thought it was a pretty name, so she agreed. So my name is really Princess Jasmine, but nobody calls me that. They just call me Jasmine.
I tag:
You should call yourself princess Jasmine (or how about Queen!!). I think you are better as a Jasmine than as a jazzy.
That was nice of you to tell us your story.
You are definitely a Princess Jasmine! Thanks for tagging me for the meme. I'll work on it now.
Your friend,
Jasmine is a beautiful name. Your Ma x x x
Jasmine is a pretty name. :) Thanks for telling us how you acquired your name. :)
Oh that's cool, Jasmine. We didn't know you're a princess! Neato!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Jasmine is a very pretty name and the Woman's second cat ever is named Jasmine. She's a tuxie with a white chin. Its a beautiful name.
Oh, yoo are definitly Princess Jasmine, furry nice of yoo to let us call you Jasmine and not yoor highness.
I like that story.Princess Jasmine is a lovely name for a pretty ladycat.
i luf the name jasmine, mommie likes to smell jasmine
Our momma loves that movie too. She hads a kitty she called Rajjah after the very cool tiger in the movie. She was a tiger stripped kitty.
Princess Jasmine, we thinks you should insist on your full name beings used...after alls, you is a royal kitty!!
Well, the "princess" part of the name goes without saying!
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