So. About Jasmine. She's been on anti-biotics for three weeks with no change. She's still peeing and pooping all over the place, making Mom completely crazy. Her bloodwork is OK for a geezer cat. She has a heart murmur and a small kidney stone. She has had her urine and stools checked. She's grouchy. Most of the day she hangs out under Mom's bed, instead of her usual spot in the recliner in the picture box room. She wants to be in Mom's lap all the time.
Sound familiar?
Some of this stuff sounds like how Gizzy was feeling this winter when he was sick. Remember too, that Jasmine is 14-1/2 years old, a cancer survivor, and has a tumor in her eye.
Mom has stopped giving Jasmine the anti-biotics, and cancelled the v-e-t appointment for next week. What are they going to do? More expensive tests? Surgery? Nope. Mom wants Jasmine to be comfortable. If cats are true actors, they hide their weaknesses, and evidence of pain. Jasmine is showing us she isn't happy. This is the cat who was so fastidiously clean, she would cover up Gizzy's stuff in the litterbox along with her own. Now she's peeing and pooping all over the house.
No matter what's going on with Jasmine, she probably won't be with us much longer. Mom wants to spare her pain and misery.
Mom wants a little time to say good-bye.
We are sending lots of good thoughts and healing purrayers to Jasmine and hope she will get better soon.
But if not we hope that you all have some time left together to say goodbye.
we are so sad to read this all and are really lacking words right now so please know that our thoughts are with you all!
purrs and lots of snuggles and headbutts, Purrrs, Kashim & Othello
Your mum is doing what is best for Jasmine. Keep her comfortable, it may be that her time to join Gizzy is coming soon.
Lots of purrs to all of you.
Mom, Jasmine and Millie, me and mine send you love and prayers and purrs. We are so sorry that Jasmine is ill and not happy anymore.
Maybe Gizzy is calling for her, if he is, she will have a lot of wonderful playmates at the Bridge.
We love you,
Parker and the rest of us
I am very sorry to hear that Jasmine is not doing so well.
Poor Jasmine. :( I think your Mom is right,cats do hide pain and suffering very well. It is good that you & your Mom will take some time to make her comfy and know that she is loved. Give her plenty of kisses.
Oh, we's so sorry! Give yur mom lotsa hugs an purrs, kay? An be extra nice to Jasmine. She has lotsa dignity an is prolly embarrassed bout the litter box stuff. Purrs and hugs,
Victor and Bonnie and fambly.
We'll still purray fur her to get better and if not, then...we hope you have time to say a good, propper and loving goodbye.
We just wanted you guys to know we're thinking of you...
Hugs & purrs...
Jasmine isn't happy and you and your mom are sad about that. We cats are proud and don't take to being ill very well. We are sending kind thoughts and warm hugs your way.
Moe & Mindy
:( We is furry sad to hear about this,but we finks your Mommy is right, Jasmine will let her know when it's time, and we hopes you'll have plenty of times fur goodbyes (Efen if it isn't really bye, just "see ya in a while") before she meets up wif Gizzy at da bridge. We's worried fur you too Millie, we knows you and Jasmine isn't close furriends, but we's afuraid you's gonna be pawful lonesome as an only kitty :(
Mine mombean thinks yours is doing the right thing. Jasmine will let you know when its her time, but until then its best that she be as comfortable and stress free as possiable. Its a sad time and I send you healing and comforting purrs.
Our thoughts are with you.
I am sad to hear this. I hope you guys are okay.
We are very sorry to hear that Jasmine is having further Troubles. We are sendin her our best purrs&grooms.
But we unnerstand that the time is coming for her to go over the Rainbow Bridge to see Gizzy again, an we agree that it would be nicer not to get stabbed and have too take a lotta pills until then if it isn't gonna help any.
Skeeter and LC
Yer mom has lots of courage and heart. Jasmine is surrounded wif love.
Oh it's so hard when somecat yoo loves is feelin bad and can't not gettin better. We hopes that no matter what happens Jasmine gots no pain and yall has good time wif her.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
We are sending good thoughts. I am sorry this is happening twice in the year. You mom is doing the right thing. We know it is hard. This post made mommy kinda sad. As she knows the pain.
Oh no. :( I'm so sad to hear this. Poor Jasmine, and your poor mom. :( Sendings lots of healing purrs to Jasmine and keeping her in my prayers. Sendings purrs and hugs to your mom too.
i agree with Kimo and Sabi, they said it best. ::purrs::
Millie, you must give your Mom extra purrs right now 'cause she's worried about Jasmine.
Oh no! I missed this! I am so sorry that Jasmine is not feeling well! Meowm and I will purray our hearts out for her to be okay.
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