2. Derby said Mom should stop and smell the roses. She did! She bought Mrs Big a ginormous bouquet of 18 roses when Mrs. Big got her Black Belt. She said they smelled GREAT!
3. Whenever I post a tummy shot, I always get comments from beans saying they want to kiss it. Well, let me set the record straight... Nobody, but nobody, touches my tummy.

4. Mom got my website back up. It's got all old stuff on it, nothing new. But everything works. Tomorrow she has to add a new page for the Babybean Raffle. Stay tuned! How does Mom do all this stuff? She likes to be Busy. She says she doesn't do Bored real well.
5. How do Jasmine and I make sure we get enough attention from her? Well Jasmine jumps up onto her worktable and plops herself right on top of whatever Mom is doing. I just walk over to Mom and MEOW as loud as I can, over and over and over and over. Fortunately, both strategies work very well.
6. Why haven't I left so many comments on the blogs? Well, Mom has been so busy. We try to visit as often as we can, and we try to visit everybody at least every other day, but we don't always have time to comment. We haven't forgotten anybody!
Millie, I'm not sure Mrs. Big is all to thrilled about her title here. She's not, as the name implies, all that big. Well, except where attitude is concerned. She's my aunt, after all. and just FYI, she's doing great in the black belt class. I used to call her "auntie ree"
Anyway. You're absolutely correct about Mom. She loves Busy, and doesn't do Bored really well. Neither do i. You should have seen me in highschool. I was doing senior level classes including Advanced Placement Calculous (That's math for geeks) a french class at a local college, and teaching 6 classes a week. busy busy busy. I hope you have a great day Millie!
Ahw Millie. I still want to kiss that tummy!
You have a kissable tummy Millie but it is your tummy and you do not have to let anybody touch it. Trixie does not like her tummy touched either and will put the bitey on you if you try.
You don't like your tummy kissed? I love having my tummy kissed, it is the best thing ever.
I think I will have to send my Mum ofur to the Holiday Gizzy Quilt sale because my Mum has been promising and promising to make me a quilt and she hasn't done nothin yet!
I do have to say that your tummy is very kissable.
Millie. We are glad to read your bloggie and we do not mind if your mommie is busy... busy usually means doing fun stuff.
I like your other webbie page. Very cute!
Purrrs, Princess
We understand. We vist about 30 or so blogs every day when momma lets us into the "forbidden" room. But sometimes she keeps that door closed and we cna only imagine what the blogs are looking like...sigh. We give your belly loving headbutts then, instead of kisses.
~Hunter & Napoleon~
Millie you look sooooooo soft!
I am glad that you and Jasmine have perfected ways to get attention. Your Mom sounds like my Mom. At our house, a busy Mom is a happy Mom.
Busy is OK - too bad you don't like your tummy messed with - tummy smooches are the bestest!
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