I used to be a feral kitty, but feral kitties don't have homes with spiffy cat beds, Gizzy quilts, temptations, a blog, and a squillion friends.
Did you see the new button on my blog? It counts down to my Blogaversary! Which is the same day as my Gotcha-versary! Sunday August 5!
Wow, your blogaversary and Gotcha day are coming up soon! Any plans to celebrate?
Both of those beds look very cozy. :)
It must be real hard selecting where to rest and sleep Millie, I don't envy you, what a difficult task! ;)
I knew MomBean was gonna make that bed too small, how are we both supposed to fit in there? I think you should come over and we can curl up in my tent togefur.
::purrs for my girl!::
Those are some great beds :)
You girls have really nice beds. We prefer mom's bed to anywhere else.
Mille does Jasmine get upset with you if you lay in her bed?
It's nice to not be feral anymore! Zippy and Sadie are happy to be spoiled too. Speedy was born in a barn and had a nice lady taking care of him and gots a home when he was 8 weeks, but, we still consider dat he was a feral. His mom certainly was, but now she lives in da house wif da barn lady. We is gonna celebrate yoor blogaversary bigtime!
Millie, you look very intent upon finding that beef temptation. Hope you found it!
we is so 'acited about your GotchaDay/Blogaversary!!
Just like coins sometimes get stuck in the sofa, Temptations sometimes get stuck in the cat-bed. I hope you can find it!
Those are cute cozy cat beds! Just two more days till the Gotcha/Blogoversary!! So cool!
Your FL furiends,
You know, once you put your stink on them, then you own them. So you have two snuggles!
Those are both wonderful beds, Millie - you are really checking that second one out! Happy Blogoversary in two days!
I do not have any beds, other than My Lady's. She has yet to buy me one of those. I do have five tents, which I am very proud of. I like your leopard print bed. Great stuff!
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