Monday, June 11, 2007

Jasmine's Quilt part 2

Mom says quiltmakers buy great big pieces of fabric, cut it apart into tiny little pieces of fabric, and then sew it up into a great big piece of fabric. Kinda weird, if you ask me.

Mom cuts her fabric into strips, sews them together, cuts them apart and then puts them back together again to make patterns that she then puts together to make a quilt. Each of the strips in these pictures gets reassembled into a pattern.

What kinds of patterns do you think these strips will make?

I can tell you that one of these pictures has the pieces that make Mom's favorite design, and there are two other strip arrangements that Mom forgot to photograph. But I can't tell you which one she likes best, because I was sleeping in her bedroom while she was sewing. Rats!

I can tell you that the strips in the top picture, when assembled, make this design:

Anyway, Mom hasn't finished the quilt top, and she says she won't show you what it looks like until the whole quilt is finished. She didn't finish it because she did the dishes and folded the laundry and all that other junk.

She watched the French Open tennis too, but that was disappointing because Mr Federer seemed to have forgotten to bring his first serve to the match. It was funny, though, to see both guys wearing turquoise.


Honey P. Sunshine said...

they look like tire tracks....duhr

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We can't wait to see Jasmine's kwilt. We bet she will love it.

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow that's really beautiful!

Chrissie said...

Those quilts look really comfurbuls, and I'm thinking I neeeeeeeed one. I'm tellin' my Mom.