(This is the last step in the series of blogs about making a kitty quilt. At the bottom of this blog there is some news. As always, you can click the pictures to biggify.)Adding the binding is the last step to making a kitty quilt. It covers the edges, and if done well, really adds a nice finish.
For a kitty quilt, Mom cuts 3 2-inch wide strips, selvage-to-selvage, and joins them at a 45-degree angle to make one long strip.

Mom has a nifty tool to fold the binding, so she runs it through this little tool and presses it as it comes out.

She opens up the binding strip she has made, and lines it up against the edge of the quilt and sews. She stops a bit before the corner, so she can miter the corner later.

Here she's turned the corner and folded up the binding so it will be a nice mitered corner on the front.

When she gets back to the side where she started, she joins the two edges in a 45-degree seam, so it won't be bulky when it gets turned over. Also, this way you can't tell where she started and where she finished.

This is where the start and finish joined together.

She turns the quilt over and folds the binding to the front, so it covers the sewing machine stitches, and pins it in place.

At the corner, she folds it up special so it looks really nice.

A "mitered" corner. Oops, this picture is out of focus...

Then Mom sews the binding to the quilt, following the edge of the binding. When she gets all the way around, she cuts the threads and takes out all the pins.

Then she does
her QA check - she makes sure she has removed all the pins and cut all the threads. She shakes the quilt to get any dust and kitty fur off (ha ha) and takes a picture of the quilt.
The End.
Mom has finished all the kitty quilts she's going to make for a while. She has a big project she will be working on during June and some of July, and when she's finished that, she'll start making kitty quilts again. Mom says she's not gonna post any more about the Gizzy quilts until she's done this big project.
(psst... the project has to do with...) Millie! The project is a -secret- you're not supposed to say anything about it.
All right, all right. Mom says she will post about two more quilts. She is gonna make one for Jasmine, and she says
Danica Patrick was her inspiration. I so totally don't get this, but you might.
Mom is also gonna make a quilt to auction to benefit some kitty. This would be a very special quilt, and a bit different from all the rest. She has been wanting to do this for some time but has been so Bizzy for Gizzy she just couldn't.
(the project is Chri...)
A lot of work goes into making a quilt! No wonder they are so beautiful - your mom spends a lot of time and care on each one. Your mom is very talented, Millie. :) I'm very glad she started making quilts - I love mine!
Those edges look really difficult! That is why your mom is so talented. I hope she enjoys her special project!
I wonder who is getting the quilt with the FLAMES!?!?
Wow, da back of dat kwilt was on FIRE! Mom sed yoo almost let da cat out of da bag. Millie, if yoo haf a cat in a bag yoo shood let them out if dey want out. Oh, mom sez it's just one of doze goofy bean sayings. See, beans IS weerd.
Oh Nip! We want that fire-looking stuff! It looks psycho-delicated to us. We want some of that to sleep on, to sleep unner, and to drag over the floor!
We can see it so clearly!
Yer mom is so furry talented! It's nice to see you also gon yer own quilt (finally!)
I'm gonna guess: (what the project is)
The project is Chri.......
...stmas stockings for kitties.
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