As you can see, I have a very nice set of sharp claws that have not been trimmed since I got my ladygardenectomy in January. Since I don't let Mom hold me, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to keep them. I have used my claws in places where Mom says I shouldn't.
1. I confess to using my claws to climb up the curtains in the picture box room.
2. I confess to using my claws to scratch the back of Mom's nice wing chair that she says she spent "boo-coo bucks" on getting re-up-holstered. She's talking nonsense. There's no holster or gun around here.
3. I confess to using my claws to rip some sheets on Mom's bed. Her favorite e-gypsy cotton ones.
4. I confess to using my claws in my fights with Jasmine. I got her on the nose. What else am I supposed to do? She chases me and is really mean.
5. Speaking of Jasmine, sometimes I eat her food. So what? She's fat and can afford to lose a little weight.
6. Sometimes when I eat I find it necessary to scoop some of my crunchies out of the bowl onto the counter. Mom says I leave it messy. I don't know what her problem is with that.
7. Like my pal Monty Q, I also stare at my Mom and meow really loud. I am asking for so many things, but all she does is pet me.
8. I miss Gizzy.
Oh oh, we think yoo are gonna be getting a little clippy claws soon.
Millie you are so cute. Love the little pink nose and the couldn't be me, must be Jasmine expression.
Poppy Q
Mille you have awesome claws. We are furry proud of our claws too. Summtimes when we're relaxing we show dem off just like yore pikshur.
If you want you can share my scratch pad Miss Millie, it's big enough for two.
I admit I accidentally used MomBean as a scratching post once. I still don't think the kidBeans needed to learn *those* words she said...
Wow, Millie, you do have very long and impressive clawrs. I wish I could grow mine long and sharp like that. But my Mommie always clips them as soon as they start to get pointy. I like them pointy!
Wow, those are very sharp claws. Mom trims my claws because I scratched Bubbles on the nose a while back and Mom does not like that. I'm also trying to destroy Mom's bedsheets, but I use my teeth and she cannot trim those (I hope).
Oh and I siffed you on the Gizzy Quilt. It was so nice to formally meet you at last.
~ Madness
you might get your clawsies clippied furry soon!
you really spilled your guts.
I hope you don't get the clip
VERY impressive claws! The Lady's been so busy doing everything else BUT letting us blog and read blogs, that she's forgotten about claw clipping too. Mine are getting really nice now. She noticed it when I stepped on her neck the other night while she was sleeping.
#8 made the Lady a little teary. We've been sleeping on all our Gizzy quilts every day since we got them and we think about him all the time too. purrrs!
You just look to cute to use your claws in such destructive manners!
Them is some mighty lookin' claws - not messin' wif you!
You have great claws Millie!! I wish I could keep mine long and fierce like that, but I like sleeping on mom and she always catches me and clips them when I'm sleepy. I don't think that's fair. And it's even more not fair that she doesn't even stop when I give her the super-extra-cute "Why would you do that to me?" look!
Those are very nice claws. We don't get to have really long claws like that. Mommy says that they're not good for the water bed. The furballs don't get to have long claws because they still think Mommy and Daddy are climbing posts. Mommy says the Red Cross is going to look at her very weird when she goes in to give blood because it looks like she's already given a pint or two.
it sounds like you use yer claws like any good poodies does. We haf them for using why can't the 'beans get that? Silly 'beans ~poiland tribe
You certainly like using your claws, don't you Millie! Mine are kept clipped very short.
Of course you miss Gizzy. :(
those are some impressive claws, girl! hope you get to keep them...
You have some really impressive claws, Millie. I'm sure you do miss Gizzy.
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