It's the meme....
Time of day: Mid-afternoon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Season of the year: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
Beaches: Hampton, even though I've never been there.
Song: (I don't care but Mom says the duet between the Countess and Susanna in Act 3 of The Marriage of Figaro where they pass the letter back and forth is a big one. It's the song the "two Italian ladies" sing in The Shawshank Redemption.)
Flower: Stargazer Lily
Talk Show: (what's a talk show?)
Movie: Pride and Prejudice (I'm with Mom on this one)
Soaps: (nope, Mom doesn't do these either)
Beverage: Milk
Fruit: (I don't do fruit)
Snack: Beef Temptations (duh!)
Restaurant: Here. Mom's a great cook
Oh heavens, now I gotta tag cats, and Mom and I have been so busy in the sewing room we didn't have a chance to see who got tagged and who didn't so we're gonna tag:
1. Monty Q
2. Poppy Q
3. Lilly Lu
4. Mr Zenith
5. Yao-lin
There's a happy cat over at Bizzy for Gizzy Quilts. You should check it out. Over the next few days he might get some company!
Sigh, Mr. Darcy, Sigh....
Oops. I tagged you on that Favorites meme, but you already did it...
Your mom makes beautiful quits and you look so good on all of them. We love the memes, because we always fin our such interesting stuff about everyone. Have a tranquil Tuesday.
Samantha & Tigger
I'm it! I'M IT!!! WOO HOO!!! erm. I mean, I'm on it!
Would you, I mean if you aren't busy, possibly consider if you could be free, I mean not FREE free 'cause you're worth a million, *gulp*, be okay to, *deep breath*
MomBean: Dude, you almost passed out. Inhale once in a while!
Lovely photo Millie. :) Great list of favourites. I like Summer and Christmas too. :)
Great list of favorite things Millie. I'm with you on summer (sunbeams and open windows) and Christmas (lotsa stuff to investigate)
It sounds like Monty has it bad for you.
Omigosh, Monty neerly passed out on that one! Dood, relax and breef. Grate advice coming from a mancat dat gets tung tide and blushes effury time he sees a piksher of Misty ::sigh, Misty da beyootiful::
You are soooo cute. and this meme was very very interesting
Millie, you is adorable. great answers
So Millie, what's your answer to Monty Q?
check his blog and find out!
Are you sitting on candy canes?
Parker, yes. Lots of Candy Canes! Mom says it looks like I am lousy (her word) at keeping secrets. So, yes, I am sitting on candy canes, and yes, there are a lot of them, but I can't tell you anything more.
That was a great list and you look terrific on those red and white candy canes!
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
I was having trouble reading the text because my eyes kept wandering back to that lovely picture!
Oh Jeez, Lux, um, thanks. You are too kind.
that song that the two ladies sing in the shawshank redemtion is called the 'flower duet'...and it's heart-wrenching. one of my mama's favorites!
the quilts are gorgeous!
Thanks! Mom checked her copy of the libretto of "Le Noze di Figaro" and she couldn't find the name of it. Yes, it is -incredibly- heart wrenching. Mom saw the opera live in Beantown about 12 years ago when it was staged by Peter Sellars and set in the Trump Tower in the present day. He played it straight and it was outstanding.
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