Monday, March 05, 2007

Time Again

Mom was working at her day hunting job both Saturday and Sunday. It's something to do with servants and time. Specifically Daylight Saving Time, though I don't know what that all has to do with servants. I guess one of the servants had an accident and crashed. Mom had to help it get better. She said when the servant crashed it lost some files that it needed to get back up again. There was something about a driver not knowing which slot to go to. A driver, a slot, a servant, a clock?

What this has to do with saving daylight I'll never know.

I am so glad I'm a cat.


Just Ducky said...

Your mum must be furry smart to do all of that stuff. Driving a servant clock slot?

Tara said...

My mom's pretty worried about DST too, as the servants at work are getting upgraded. But worse, she has to fly to DC again on Sunday, which means getting up at 4:30 am! And with loosing an hour, it will be like 3:30 am! I probably won't get up with her this time!


Shaggy and Scout said...

We only know Cat Time. It includes lots of sleeping.

momsbusy said...

ars mommees talks funny abouts hers day hunting job too. silly beans the only time that matters is time spent luvins us kitties.

yuki & kimiko

Milton said...

Mine momlady came home tonight all grumbly. She was saying stuff like 'It was gonna be easy, they said. there would be no down time, they said. Grrrrr!' Then she said she had to say sorry a lot coz a bunch of stuff got broken, and she had to talk to a lot of upset customers.

When I broke stuff I just give her my look and a headbutt, a little mew and some purrs and she isn't upset any more.

I think they need better servants.


The Meezers or Billy said...

heh, our mommy laffed and laffed. that's what she does too!

Max said...

Oh man the Woman is all excited that daylight savings time is early this year. Like, she's gonna wet her pants over it! Maybe she's so happy because she gets a servant? I dunno... I don't care about DST as long as I get my Stinky Goodness on time.

Darling Millie said...

Beezer, my mom knows the feeling. First it was just a patch. All the servants and clients got the patch (were they all trying to quit smoking?) Then they let out ANOTHER patch. This made Mom really crazy. Then she had to add a service pack. Then there was an Infernal Release, then a JAVA patch. Now I am really confused. A coffee patch? Mom is about ready to shoot the guys who decided this was gonna happen. She says it isn't saving HER any daylight.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh, HeBean had to do rebuild a system this weekend and wasn't happy about it either. It didn't look broken to me, but you know Beans.

Myst and Blackie said...

Our Mom said their servants were patched last month & that they better work or a system admin would be getting yelled at (Mom is a DBA)...

Why do beans talk so funny?