Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tummy! Tummy! Tummy!

I'm feeling pretty good, and I've been showing off my tummy more and more. Of course I won't let Mom touch it, but she can look at it.

Mom worked out that I will be one year old at the beginning of next month. We don't know when my real birthday is, all we know is that I was about 12 weeks old when Malcolm found me on June 28, 2006. Working backwards, that makes my birthday somewhere in the area of April 5. Since my Gotcha Day is August 5 2006, Mom thinks I should celebrate my birthday on April 5. W00t!


Monty Q. Kat said...

What would you like for your Purrfday, Miss Millie?, I mean, 'cause there might be cats out there who'd like to know. 'Cause they haven't had a purrfday yet and want to treat a furrend, and. And.

*gulp* I need to go check on BabyBean...=^..^=


Miss Millie

You'll soon be all grown up. What an adventure your life has been so far. But, I am glad you are in a wonderful loving forever home with your Mom and your fursisters!


Anonymous said...

Millie, what a lovely tummy you have. And I think 5th April sounds like a purrfect birthday date.

Daisy said...

Millie, yer tummy is CUTE! I agree that April 5th sounds like a very good date.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Millie, that is a great tummy shot. You should let Mom touch it, it might be nice. Oh and we are very excited about your 1 year birthday next month.

Christine and FAZ said...

Good tummy pic - you look ever so comfy in that chair. FAZ

Forty Paws said...

What a super kyooot pikshur Millie!!

Luf, Us

Hot(M)BC said...

Great tummy pikshur, Millie. I bet you'd like tem-tay-shuns or toona joose for your purrthday.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

DK & The Fluffies said...

Wow, I can't believe how grown up you are now

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Woot indeed. I'll mark dat on my calendar, well 'kay, I'll haf mom rite it down. Yoor grown up now, hows it feel? Pretty good rite?

Karen Jo said...

This makes me very happy. I have always felt that a kitty who shows off her tummy, even if she doesn't let anyone touch it, is feeling very much at home, happy and secure. I am looking forward to your birthday next month.