Saturday, March 03, 2007

Saturday Caturday?

Here's me drinking from the faucet (that's "tap" for Fat Eric and English Daisy) in the bathroom. I learned this from Gizzy.

He's holding his own, by the way. We're learning what kinds of stinky goodness he really likes, and so far it's Fancy Feast Chicken and Liver. Unless it's beef, or chicken or pork off Mom's dinner plate. Omigoodness... you should have seen him last night scarfing down as many little pieces of Mom's pork chop as she would give him. Jasmine had some, and left. I had some and left, but Gizzy... He just kept on eating it. And Mom, WonderMom that she is, kept giving it to him as long as he wanted it. Did he want it! She thinks he's even making some attempt to bathe himself, as he doesn't look or feel as scruffy as he did a few days ago. Naturally we are keeping a close eye on him.

Mom had to buy another litter box. One cat (and she finally figured out it was Jasmine) has been peeing on the carpet in the picture box room. Mom did a little research online and found that it might be because she's freaked out somehow about the big litterbox in the bathroom. I might have something to do with that, but I'm not telling. Anyways, Mom got a new litter box, and put it right on the spot where Jasmine has been peeing (after cleaning up the mess and using the No Stinky stuff). Jasmine has been using the new box. Mom also read that it could be because Jasmine might have an infection, so she is gonna go see the V-e-t next week.

Guess the Bizzy for Gizzy quilts are gonna help Jasmine too.

Did you know that when Jasmine came to live with us Mom wanted to name her Jazzy but little Mr Karate said no, she should be named Princess Jasmine (from the movie Aladdin)?

Here's another kitty quilt top Mom just made. She's got a few more to make. I think it would look lovely with a Tortie.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a beautiful quilt! :) I do think it would suit a tortie!

Glad to hear that Gizzie is doing okay and I hope Jasmine is alright! Sending lots of healing purrs out for both of them.

Daisy said...

Hey, I like to drink from the faucet too! The water tastes better that way I think.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, Zippy will only drink from da fawcet too! We came to pass on some hugs. All three of us hug all three of yoo (yes, even grumpy Zippy){{{{{{big hug}}}}}} pass it on!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Some kitties prefer their own litter boxes (we is OK sharing).

Mungo N Teazer (and the Firecat too!!!) said...

Yay fur Gizzy feelin better!

We won't go near da faucets. But we do like to lounge in da tubby. An it's a grate place for playin wif ur ringy thingies, dey slide up da side n come back at us!

We likes da colors in dat new quilt. but we doan like layin on quilts n blankies... 'cept fur when a hooman's legs are moovin round unnerneath n we can pounce. :)

prairiesunshine said...

Angel did that for the longest time too and Mama neber did find out zactly why she did it but it was always in the same spot and it will never get clean now! She cobered it wiff tin foil and a box to stop her and for a while she watched her berry berry carefly and makes sure we has two clean litter boxes alla time and now Angel tells Mama if she has to go and somefing is wrong. Mama says I bug her too much when she gotta go and she gets nerbuss, but I don't fink so....


ps I lerned to drink from the tap too and Angel dint teach me, I teached myself!

Anonymous said...

Thank yu fur 'splaining that a fawcit iz a tap. That woz kind ov yu. I yusta hav mine own bowl ov water INNA bath-tub, and then wen I was drinkin' it my peeples yusta turn onna bath-tap for me too. It woz nice to have fresh runnin' water, 'cept now I hav artheritis and I kan't jump inna bath-tub enny more.

Tara said...

Glad to hear Gizzy is doing better!

Princess Jasmine, another princess!

Tara, Princess Meezer

Anonymous said...

Hi, Millie! Just want to let you know we got the quilt you and your Mom put together. All our cats took turns having a good sniff of it and rolling around it. I will take some pictures and email them to you.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful quilt.I like to drink from the faucet too :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...

we's gotted our Gizzy Quilts. Missy 'n i's kin smell Millie 'n Gizzy on ours.... come see tha pickshures heres on our bloggie.

'n u can see our quilts in tha pictures below where thems being 'spected by Millie before going into the flying boxes.