Sunday, March 04, 2007


I don't let Mom hug me, and I don't "do" real hugs (except to Gizzy), but I can do "virtual hugs."

So I want to give a nice virtual hugs to these wonderful folks:
1. Beau, because he was the first cat in the blogosphere to welcome me. He sent me my first toys.
2. Zeus, because he makes me laugh whenever I read his blog.
3. Kukka-Maria, because I should like to grow up to be as Imperial as she is.
4. Skeezix, because he is a very creative cat, and he gave me the idea to sell kitty quilts to help Gizzy.
5. Max, because without him I wouldn't be here.
6. Beezer, because I think he's handsome.
7. Everycat at Hot(M)BC because it's nice to know that lotsa cats CAN live together and get along.
8. Kimo & Sabi, because they always have stuff on their blog that I didn't know about before.
9. Chase, and Kaze & Latte, because they are so cool
10. Daisy, because I think she is so pretty and cute.
11. Daisy Mae Maus and the Feline Americans, because they are fun.
12. Derby, because I love his Fang Shuway for Cats
13. Fat Eric, because he introduced Mom to English Daisy's Mom, and now they are friends.
14. Grr, Midnight & Cocoa and their family of extra cats and girls, because they seem like a lot of fun.
15. Luxor, because he is so elegant
16. The Meowers from Missouri because they were very helpful to Mom when I first got here.
17. Cecilia and Mrs. B and Bubbles because I love them
18. Timothy Dickens for the nice kitty afghan his grammie made me.
19. Yao-lin because he makes me laugh
20. KC, because we had so much fun together at the New Year's Eve party.
21. Persephone, because we have so much fun together
22. Gizzy, because he's my very bestest friend.
23. Jasmine, because Mom says I have to.
24. YOU! I want to hug each of you!


Kimo and Sabi said...

Hugs to all of you! We are gonna show off our new quilt tomorrow on Special Sunday!

Hot(M)BC said...

Wow, what a lotta hugs, Millie! *hugs* back to you!
Pepi, Boni, Sanjee, Mini and Gree

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Here's a *hug* for you Millie and a *hug* for Gizzy and a *hug* for Jasmine. :)

Daisy said...

Oh, Millie, you are so sweet. Pixie and I are hugging you back.

ps: I am showing my quilt today too!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Meow! And a hug to you from me! (And from BabyBean too, she's sooooo gentle for head rubs.)

Frostin said...

Hugs back to you Millie, and here's some hugs for Gizzy, Jasmine, your Mom Lady and her family.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a sweet photo of you and Gizzy. That is just so precious.

And lots of hugs right back to all of you, Darling Millie.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Wow Millies that is very nice of you. Hugs back to you and Gizzy and Jasmine and the Lady.

Lux said...

You are the huggingest! I love that!

Hug back,

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

well thank d-o-g we got to #24 ... i wuz thinkin "wut abowt me!"
i'm huggin u back darling millie!
luv--o' jete

Just Ducky said...

Millie, thanks for the compliment on Fang Shui Friday. I appreciate it. Hugs back to all of you.

sammawow said...

I was on DaisyMae's hug list so I'm doing the hug/tag to Gizzy.

Purrrrrrs and {{{hugs}}} to Gizzy,
China Cat (you were my best sister-cat Willow's Valentine's and I love her)

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Thanks Millie! I like hugs and I had fun with you too! I hug Jack like you hug Gizzy! I wish we could buy a quilt! They're beautiful! But my Food Lady has no money and she says it would cost your mom too much to ship across the border and the man in blue shorts' dogs have been losing stuff off their sled that's supposed to come here. But she says maybe later, when the snow is gone and the man in blue shorts is using a truck instead of dogsleds. If your mom is still selling them! What colour do you think would go with my black furs?

LZ said...

The three of us want to hug you back too! You're a wonderful kitty friend and we really really want a Gizzy quilt but the Tall Man is saying we have too many cat things so we're waiting...then we're going to put the bitey on him.

Chase, Latte, & Kaze

HRH Yao-Lin said... I really make you laugh? I feel all warm and fuzzy *sniff* that is so sweet. Don't tell Mao or the humans I am capable of such emotions, this is between me and you, right?

Hugs to you too, just don't let anyone see.

yao-lin xxxx

Anonymous said...

that's a sweet picture! we hug each other like that too, and we're sending lots and lots of hugs to all of you.