Lux posted his Christmas Wish List, and I thought it was a good idea. So I tried to make a list of what I wanted for Christmas.
1. I want to get stinky goodness every day.
2. I want to be able to sleep wherever I want.
3. I want to be friends with Jasmine.
4. Or I want to be able to win a fight with her.
5. I want a year's worth of Beef Temptations.
6. I want some of that awesome Cosmic Catnip for my mink mousie.
7. I'd love to have a safe place to be outside and climb real trees and hunt real birds without having to worry about getting beat up by other cats, attacked by mean kids, or hit by (shudder)... Sorry, can't finish that thought.
8. I'd like Gizzy to have enough energy to run around the house with me.
9. I see the Lady has hung Christmas stockings for herself and Mr Karate. I want one.
10. I'd like not to be afraid of everything I don't know.
11. I wish nobody would trim my claws.
12. I wish all V-e-t-s could fix all the kitty problems ever so all kitties would be healthy.
13. I wish they'd all be free, so people wouldn't have to worry about money to fix their kitties.
14. I wish all kitties could have a nice forever home where they are safe and have enough to eat.
15. I'd like to see this Santy Claus everyone is talking about.
Well, I guess I owe Luxor an apology. It's hard not to wish for "virtuous" things when you think about all the other kitties and people in the world who don't have a safe place to live, or enough food to eat.
I just read read Sammy Meezer's wish list. You have to be GOOD for Santy Claws to bring you the stuff on your Christmas Wish List?
Now I know I'm in trouble.
Great list!!
Don't forget to send the Lap Lady your info so I can send you your prize for being my 4,000th poster!!
Millie I think with all that you've been through this year, you don't have to worry about the few times you were naughty. Santa will understand. That is a really great list!
Oh Millie, we finks you has a pass for life wif Santy Claws for all the prollems you hadded this year. don't werry 'bout being naughty. just don't be TOO naughty. - Sammy
Oh Millie, I'm sure will bring you lots and lots of gifties. You are just so cute, nobody can possibly resist you.
No such thing as a bad kitty. Sandy Claws will bring oodles of stuff to your cute little self.
Don't worry Millie, you're one of the sweetest kitties I know. Getting into stuff because you are curious is a natural kitty thing, and reacting in a way some think of as bad because you are still scared is totally understandable. Just make sure you are sleeping in a good hiding place on Christmas Eve, cause you are so cute that if Santa sees you he may want to pet you, and if you claw Santa or hiss at him all bets are off.
I don't think that you are in trouble, Millie. Santa understands that kitties just normally get into things. There really is no such thing as a bad kitty.
I think you're the *best little girl, and just hope you get lots of the things on your list, if not all of them!
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