Saturday, December 02, 2006

I may be a City Kitty.... updated

I may be a City Kitty, but if what's in this box is a tree, it's like no tree I have ever seen or smelled.

For one thing... it's in a box, not growing out of the ground. For another thing, it doesn't smell like a real tree. I don't see any birds in this tree either.

The Lady has been taking pieces of it out of this box and putting them onto this stick.

It -sorta- looks like a tree. I'm not convinced.

I'm not going near it if I can help it.


The Lady says things are gonna change around here today so if big things happen, I'm gonna post more than one time today, so come back later to see. And she says she's gonna bake more of that biscotti stuff, and she's gonna try some new recipes.

The Lady made some Chocolate Coconut Biscotti. They just came out of the hot as hell box. They are cooling. When they are cool, the Lady is gonna dip one side in melted chocolate. It sounds good, I suppose, if you like chocolate.

I wonder if the Lady could make some biscotti with beef?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Millie. That doesn't look much like a tree!

I hope the changes are all good ones!

The Meezers or Billy said...

that doesn't look like a tree - it's nekked.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it will look like a tree when it has all it's branches.
Your Lady is very industrious. Our Mom does not like to cook stuff at all. At the moment Bubbles gets fed on top of the stove (so Mrs. B does not eat all his food), so maybe it is a good thing that Mom does not use the stove much.

Myst and Blackie said...

Oh.. tell the Lady that she made our Mom have to go look for something chocolate since those biscotti. We have one of those fake tree thingys too. Wrapped boxes appear under ours for the kids. We help wrap the boxes of course.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Those biscotti look delicious! If I send you some catnip mousies would you sneak some into the mail for me, Millie? Like a 'kitty crack for bean crack' exchange? ;)

Millie said...

Since the Lady now has so much biscotti stashed away here, I'd be more than happy to sneak some to you in exchange for some nip mousies, sure! O'course you can find some recipes on my webpage,