What I get is chased around the sewing room. She tried to catch me. She tried to bribe me. She tried to trick me. She had those thick black hands on. She even dragged Gizzy in and trimmed his claws while I watched. Ha ha, didn't work. I still have my nice sharp claws.
I guess she didn't like it much when I climbed up her pants and shirt to grab that measuring thing that dangles from her neck when she sews.
update on Friday~~
Gizzy says I hafta tell the truth. The Lady gave me some nice roast beast with my breakfast yesterday. And cheese. She gave me some cheese too. And she sang me a Happy Gotcha Day song.
Congratulations Millie! I'm sorry that no treats were forthcoming but it's so nice to see that you're becoming more and more comfortable in your new home. Now you be kind to the Lady...she loves you very much and wants only the best for you even if it doesn't always seem to be the case.
A Fan in Northern Virginia
Hi Millie, it's good to see you. You're growing up so fast! You should let your momma trim your claws, then it won't hurt her so much when yoos clime up her.
zippy, Sadie and Speedy the man cat
Congrats on your 2 month Gotcha-day. I'm sure you will get some treats if you let your Mom trim those nails. And Millie, seriously, it is time for you to let your Mom touch you more! Don't be afraid, she will not trim your nails everytime she picks you up.
o, Millie, happy gotcha day.
u is lookin so purrty.
happy gotcha day sweet little millie
Two-Month Gotcha Day Anniversaries are very important days! On that day cats should be treated with great respect. (I'm glad you got some roast beef and cheese.)
Actually, I think the respect part ended when I clawed my way up her pants and shirt, scratching her with my claws all the way. She kinda freaked.
Roast beef, cheese and a song! Sounds like a very nice gotcha day!
By the way, thanks for comin' by to play in our caption contest!
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