Looky! Cats have a special Holiday! Whee! This should be a day where all cats get as much stinky goodness and treats as they want. They should be able to get new toys and be able to sleep in all the nice warm spots and get all the loving and petting they can get (if they want it).
'Course only the cats with nice homes are gonna be able to celebrate. Feral cats have a much harder life. Ask me how I know this. I was one of the lucky ones. Tomorrow is National Feral Cat Day, and you can go to their linky to see how you can help and to get information about feral cats. Their site is full of good information. You can even buy stuff to show you care.
Yay for All Cat's Day.
My Mom tells me that every day is a holiday for cats. Whatever that is. She's funny huh? Mom says she's glad that your Mom finished her jacket. Now she can wear it. How come you didn't ask for roast beef the other night, that stuff is good. I like it. I usually hide too, when Mom and Dad have company. But every now and then I will venture and check whomever out.
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