The Lady and the boy went to a concert today in Boston to see James Hunter. (She says he has great dimples.) Afterwards they went here to get dessert and she had a "Flirtini Martini." Now she's giggling and getting ready for bed. She isn't even going to watch the Ladies with the sticks, I mean the tennis. Wow! Maybe Gizzy shouldn't wake her up tomorrow morning at 6 AM.
Maybe not!
Sounds like she had a good time. Maybe you ought to let her sleep an extra hour or two in the morning. Could be some extra goodies if you do! And if not, be sure to remind her.
Ya humans get silly when they have alcohol. It's like their version of nip.
By the way, it's nice seeing you and Gizzy getting along so well. :)
Nice picture.
Yes we beans like our nip too.
I have loved following little Millie. It is so wonderful and heartwarming to see her with Gizzy.
I do hope Jasmine is doing OK. No change in the eye cancer?
Wowie Millie, look at you and Gizzy snuggled together! Has Jasmine gotten any more accepting? How's he eye? You are one lucky kitty.
I bet the Flirtini Martini makes her feel like our Niptinis do! You and Gizzy look soooooo sweet togefur.
dmr & kattatonic, jasmine is fine. Her behavior is normal and she is as unfriendly to me as always. But she's real friendly to the Lady. She wants to be left alone, and of course, I want to make her play with me. She can see OK and we are all taking it one day at a time. If I get closer than two Gizzys she hisses at me and chases me. Outside of that she leaves me alone.
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