Jasmine went to see the vet today. He shone a bright light in her eye and looked all around. She has a tumor on her cornea, and he can't do anything about it, but he said it isn't fatal. Not great, but not anywhere near "the end." She has lost .4 pound since the end of July, and her eating habits and lethargy are more indicative of her age than anything else. Jasmine hasn't neglected her grooming, and this is a good sign. But this doesn't tell us anything new, and for that he took a blood sample to check her liver function, etc., and I'll know the results tomorrow.
He thinks getting Millie was a good idea. "Puts a little spunk back in these old ones."
As for getting Millie to the vet, he has the simplest and most interesting solution of all. "Start putting her food in a box, and gradually push it towards the back. One day when she's inside eating, close it, and bring her in. Any day but Saturday. We'll work it out; we'll give her an exam and spay her at the same time. This way she won't associate being handled with you."
Until tomorrow...
-- the Lady
Check this for the whole story about Jasmine.
Ummmm, yeah, Jasmine has spunk alright!!!!
Sorry to hear about her eye, but its good it is not fatal.
Here's hoping Jasmine gets a clean bill of health on the blood work tomorrow. I am sorry to hear that she'll probably lose the eye; but glad it is not fatal.
Sneaky way to get the little one to the VET. Hope Jasmine does OK.
That's somewhat good news about Jasmine. Smart vet with the advice about Millie.
Dear Lady,
I'm not sure my first comment got left, so I am sending gentle headbumpies and purrs to sweet Jasmine again. I am keeping her in my thoughts and purrayers and you, too.
glad to hear jasmine is doing well. will try to check in for the results of the blood sample. keeping jasmine in my prayers.
sneaky way to get millie into the "box". wonder if it will work twice? millie is growing up to be such a beautiful cat. she is certainly a joy to read about. she seems to have added a bit of spunk into gizzys life.
keeping your family in my prayers. take care.
I am sorry to hear about Jasmine's eye, but glad it isn't fatal. I do hope her bloodwork comes back OK. That's a sneaky way to get Millie to the vet, but I hope it works.
I am truly to sorry to learn that Jasmine has not been feeling well. I do hope that the test results you get back will be promising, or at the very least they show normal results. We always become very attached to our babies, I hope for you and Jasmine that everything will return it is normal state.
*ABBY's Mom
Hey, Jasmine - sorry about the eye problem. I had a bad infection in one of my eyes & v-e-t removed it for me (the eye as well as infection). Eye problems are no fun... Hope you get good results on blood tests.
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