The Lady was gone most of the day today. She came back really late. She was helping the other lady paint something. When she came back, she ate something that smelled really good. Jasmine got close and had some, but when I tried to get some she hissed at me and I had to go away. But then she left and I went back. The Lady had cheese! Oooh! I really like cheese! I had a lot of it, and then the Lady ate the rest, but she gave me some more later.
She's watching the Tennis again. It's funny, the guys she really likes have no hair.
We all love cheese here too. It's yummy.
I really love being able to keep up with your "adventures", Millie. I'm so glad you have a wonderful, safe, loving home.
Ooh, cheese. I love cheese. It doesn't love me, though. I get sick when I eat it, so mama doesn't give me any now. You are very, very lucky!
These are the most adorable pictures ever taken.
I likes cheeses to, but I get what momma calls "soft stools" from it. I have a catster page now, you should gets one to Millie, then we could be catster frends. Zippy and Speedy say "hi". That's all, just wanted to see how you were doin'.
Sadie (www.catster.com/?375542)
MALCOLM! (giggle!) You are biased! "The most adorable pictures ever taken..." I will tell the Lady. She will be very pleased.
cheese is SOOOOO tasty--and our daddy loves it too. mommy calls him a rat when he's chowin' on the cheddar!
The Lady loves the Extra Sharp Cheddar from Cabot Cheese in Vermint. Oops. I mean Vermont.
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