Since Millie is playing right now, she's not interested in blogging. So I thought I'd take the time to fill you all in on all the goings on.
First, except for the cats, I live alone in a big three bedroom apartment. My son graduated from college two years ago and has moved out. I turned his room into a sewing room, and that's where Millie has been hanging out. One window faces south, and I've installed a cat hammock there. It's Gizzy's favorite spot. Since Gizzy's jumping ability has decreased with his age, I've set up a small stool to help him out. Millie's hiding place is in the closet, under a shelf that's about five inches off the floor. It's about 24" deep, and she hides way at the back, so she's well protected. I've set up a small litterbox under an end table, and a small eating area near the bureau, where she can easily see anybody approaching the room.
Last night, after she bolted out at the aluminum foil ball, I made a few more and tossed them around the room. I also found an empty pill bottle and put a few popcorn kernels in it. Later, while looking for Millie, I found a cat toy with a bell in it. Before bed, I checked on her, and couldn't find her anywhere. I went through the entire apartment, with a flashlight, and found her underneath the treadmill. Somehow she'd managed to go from one end of the place to the other without arousing the big cats.
This morning, while eating breakfast, Jasmine came up on the table to be near me, as she always does. Suddenly she tensed, and looked toward the sewing room. Turning around, I could see Millie lying down on the floor. I stayed where I was, trying not to look at Millie directly. She relaxed a while longer, then moved away.
She spends more time under the bureau than in the closet now. It's cooler, and she has several escape routes. Plus she can see what's coming.
When I got home from work today, I fed the big cats, as I always do, then fed her. I left the closet door open wide, and also left the door to the room open. She has to get used to the rest of us in here, looking at her and making noise. Each of the big cats will, from time to time, go into the room, locate Millie and hiss at her, turn around and leave. While I ate dinner, I could hear the toys bounce around the room. From time to time I'd turn around to look. She always seemed to know when I was watching. She'd look at me, and I'd turn back around and continue eating. She's so funny looking! She has this tiny little body on these really long legs! She kept right on playing, and eating. Later she frolicked around the room. Gizzy checked in on her, but she kept on playing.
This pleases me to no end. If she is comfortable enough to show herself, then she isn't feeling threatened. Which is pretty amazing, since she's only been here three days.
She has a good appetite and eats well. She uses her litterbox, but poops in the big cat litterbox in the bathroom! I know she's explored, because I've found things knocked off shelves. I know she's climbed up into Gizzy's hammock, because I've seen her sitting in the window from outside. And I know she explores at night, because I've heard the sounds of cats (plural) running around at night. Yes, her leg must be healed because she can run like the proverbial bat out of hell.
Obviously I'd love to hold her and pet her (and trim her claws). I'd love to get a good LOOK at her. I'd like to look at her leg to see how her fur is growing. But that will come when she is ready.
It sounds like Millie couldn't hope for a better family, Lynne. I am so glad you are taking such good care of her.
I had her claws trimmed at her last vet visit a few weeks ago, so they shouldn't be too brutal. And I know what you mean about the disappearing act...it took us a better part of a day to find her lodged underneath our dishwasher, between some pipes and a mess of electrical wire. I am happy to hear she is coming out and about and getting used to the place.
Her leg was looking real good when she left us...she was running like crazy and jumping around without showing any pain at all. Kittens are amazing. Anyway, I hope her fur is growing back nicely, and I am glad she has found a home with you.
Wow, yous gots a furrever home jus like me and by brudder Speedy. We are lucky poodins. we's happy fur you and your new mommy too. My mommy says that there is no luv like poodin luv.
Zippy, Speedy and Sadie
Sounds like it's going well and progress is being made. I think pooping in the big box is showing she's a "big girl," and also leaving her scent for the others. I think it's probably a good thing!
sounds like she starting to feel like she's "home". it does take time, and some are faster than others - but they're all good signs.
For only being there 3 days Millie is doing wonderfully. Pretty, The Kitty Who Came Before us stayed under the bed for a whole week when the Beans brought her home. It sounds like Millie has a great forever home with an understanding Bean. Good for her.
So good to hear that little Millie is getting used to her surroundings. She'll be out and about and looking for affection before you know it! Looking forward to more pix of her too!
Thanks for the Millie update. Sounds like everything is going as well as can be expected. We're sure with time, patience & plenty of love, Millie will become a great family member.
Crews' Mom
thank you for letting us know that millie is all right and has a good home. you are a nice 2-legger!!
nels (who also needs a set of stairs), ed, nitro, and xing-the-shy (who isn't unthreatened even after a year and a half, but sticks with it 'cause she loves her Mommy)
Just checking in for my daily Millie update. Sounds like she is doing very well.
Can't wait to see some more pictures of her, she looks to be a real beauty. Am glad to hear her leg and hip are working well.
BTW, she is very lucky indeed to have found her forever home with you, such an understanding person.
A kitty hammock? Wow. She is a double-lucky little kitty.
I'm glad that you have found a grreat home! I like your new blog and will visit again.
--- Beezer
Oh how great to hear tis about our darling Millie! She is brave for being a newbie in the house! Scooby hid downstairs in the fireplace and behind the furnace for 2 weeks only coming out at night. The night owl kids would have a sighting now & then, otherwise aside from the food disappearing we didn't see him. You sound like such a great "cat person".
sss's mom
I'm SO glad you started a blog for Dear Millie. I had been following the story through Malcolm's blog, so it's great to read how she's doing, and to see the pictures.
What a lucky little girl she is, first to have had Malcolm as her hero/rescuer, and now you with a forever home for her. Bless you, and bless Malcolm.
Nice to meet you, Millie's Beanmom! Millie is very lucky to have been found by you.
Thank you for taking her in and giving her a home.
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