I got tagged by Fat Eddy, Ella's Mom and Danielle.
Here are the rules: The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
from Millie:
OK, so here are 5 weird things about me:
1. I have a titanium rod in my leg.
2. My favorite toy is a pill bottle with unpopped popcorn in it.
3. I am an internet celebrity
4. I live in a house with 1 Lady, 2 big cats, and 3 working computers.
5. I still won't let the Lady touch me.
from Gizzy:
Here are 5 weird things/habits about me:
1. I like marshmallows
2. I like to lick scotch tape. The sticky side.
3. I only eat or use the litter box when the Lady is here.
4. I like fresh water from the faucet, and I don't mind if it drips on my head first.
5. I come when you call my name.
from Jasmine:
Here are 5 weird things/habits about me:
1. I like to hunt crickets
2. I like low places like under the bed or behind the recliner.
3. I can rear up on my hind legs and stay there.
4. I am really shy; if you come to my house, you won't know I'm around.
5. No matter WHO you are, and how far away you are or how close you are, if you call my name, I am NOT coming.
So I (Millie) am gonna tag:
1. Timmy http://timothydickens.blogspot.com/
2. Frostin http://www.frostinschronicles.blogspot.com/
3. Firenze http://catmonsters.blogspot.com/
4. Meezers http://meezertails.blogspot.com/
5. Ayla http://aylathegrump.blogspot.com/
I hope I did this right.
THANKS to Beau for the terrific toys! A pink mouse! How perfect!
very cool! You're a bionic kitty!
I guess. At the time I didn't feel very bionic.
Gizzy! Lick scotch tape?! Now that's weird! ;)
Hi Millie, You just get cuter and cuter each day. Love this photo of you and your toys. This might be a good photo for Tummy Tuesday! And for Kat's tummy shots!
Tummy Tuesday? Does that mean I should post a picture of me showing off my tummy on Tuesday? (silly question, huh) I'm pretty sure my own personal papparazzi has pictures of my belly. Kat's tummy shots too huh, hmmm...
We agree lickin' tape is pretty strange... I like fresh dripping water too and Scout will lick if off my head if it gets there. -Scooby
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