I found a great new hiding place. The big cats can't get me and the Lady can't see me AT ALL. It's easy to get into and out of and it's right in the picture box room. I can run all around the room from my new hiding place, and I can run into the studio. It's dark and safe. It's near where the Lady sits when she watches the picture box. It wiggles.
(Note from The Lady: Millie's new hiding place is under the recliner. Again, she has found a spot another cat has found before her. In the winter, Jasmine likes to rest behind the recliner, in the corner. I have placed an old fleece blanket there. It is a nice warm spot because at the base of both walls are the baseboard radiators.)
I tried to get Gizzy to play with me again tonight. He likes to WATCH me play, but he doesn't seem to want to play WITH me. And he doesn't like to wrestle. If I try, he gets all mad and hisses at me, and if he really thinks I'm bothering him, he growls. The Lady said, "Millie, I call Gizzy 'Mr Curiosity' sometimes because he likes to watch. He watches everything. He used to play like you do, but he's an older gentleman kitty now and prefers to take it easy. He doesn't even run around much." Doesn't run? What kind of a cat doesn't run?
Can you see me in this picture? I am on the back of the couch looking down on Gizzy.
Jasmine doesn't even watch. I mean, she'll watch me if she can see me from wherever she happens to be. If she's lying on the Lady's sleeping place, she will watch me play in the table room. She doesn't like it if I get too close to her. She doesn't play with me either.
Which is kinda boring.
WaY to go scouting out all the great spying places.
sounds like you has a great house wif lots of great spying and hiding places!
I am so glad that you have a great house and people that love you Millie... I will pass the news on to Myoo and the old girls...
Hi, Millie. I've been at my howse since last November an Ms. Bonnie is still a hissy nasty girl. She doesn't wanna play an hisses an growls at me alla time. I NEFUR hiss or growl back, just meow. We has two sets of food dishes an two litter boxes side-by-side. We bof use bof, but nefur at the same time. Wul, we eat at the same time, but frum different dishes. The closest we gets together is when Mom gifs us Temptations treats in the kitchen. She put a moovie of that on our blog last week. Bonnie is aposed to learn that bein nice around me gets her treats, so she's nice while we haf treats, but the rest of the time she wants me to STAY AWAY.
PS that's a great hidey spot. It's good to be up high an watch efurrything goin on round you.
Millie, it looks like you are having a lot of fun, even if your housemates don't want to play. I'm sure the Lady will play with you. And she will love it if you jump on her. You should try it. I promise you'll love it when she scratches your chin.
See. I knew you were a smart girl. You're going after all the good hiding spots. As for the other two, give them time. If they don't want to play with you, it's their loss. Just make sure to get all the toys though. :)
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