This morning, after breakfast I found a new place to hide. It was such a good place she couldn't find me. I could hear her calling me, and moving all kinds of stuff around. I heard her talking to somebody... "I can't find Millie. I'm worried." She kept on moving everything around, looking underneath everything, moving chairs, grumbling and calling for me. I was mad at her, and I wasn't going to come out.
After a while I heard a new person. He helped her look. I heard doors closing. Finally I saw her looking in my new hiding place. "Found her."

I stayed in my new hiding place all day. Nothing she or the new guy could do even tempted me to come out. They cooked, they ate, and then he left. After that, the Lady fed us all, and I came out to eat.
After dinner we played again, but I didn't get very close to her.
She left me alone to watch the picture box. But I came out of my room, and walked right past Jasmine. She hissed at me, but she didn't even try to chase me. I played under the table in the table room for a while, and both big cats were watching me. I had to go past Gizzy to get to the studio, so I did. I wanted him to go away, so I hissed at him, but he stayed where he was, and hissed back. Finally I just ran right past him. He didn't even try to chase me either. I ran under the couch and looked at him. We were pretty close. I tried to scare him away by growling, but it didn't work. He just made himself comfortable and pretended to take a little nap, but I know he was watching me. I ran all around the house, past Gizzy, past Jasmine, past the Lady. It was fun.
Don't be afraid of being picked up Millie. She just wants to give you pets and cuddles. She loves you very much and would never hurt you on purpose.
Millie, being picked up is the bestest, you gets lots of love, and then your purr fing turns on and the people just melt.
Oh Lil Millie
It's nice to be picked up and petted on. Don't be afraid.
Our mom says you are irrestibly cute and she doesn't know how your mom can stand not holding you & stroking your pretty fur. that's why she grabbed you. She will rub your ears & under your chin if you let her too. That is a neat snakey toy.
Oh, Millie you are such s cutie. I would also pick you up if I was you Mommy. So where was your new hiding place? You made your Mommy worry.
Millie! You are so cute.
I love your new toy, Millie. I have one just like it. It's so much fun!
cool toy millie. we dont has one likes that. where did yurs mommy gets it at?
yuki & kimiko
it really has touched the cat blogging community to see her doing so well. eventually she will figure out that hugs, kisses and cuddles are the best. then watch out she may never leave you alone. :)
momsbusy, the Lady got the cool toy from the local Petco. It's called a Cat Dancer Cat Charmer. You can find it on their website, and it's about $7 US
xing-xing sez:
hello, millie--looks like you are fitting in nicely with the group, learning what you need to know to get along. glad to see you are so frisky, but of course, you're a SUPERCAT made (partly) of titanium.
it's a good sign that the other kitties don't even chase you. boy, am i sick of that stuff. our boycats just think i'm a toy.
before long, i'll bet you'll let the Lady love on you. it's the bestest feeling in the world to have hands sleek down your back and skritch under your ears and rub your shoulder muscles! please don't fight her--she loves you so very much, and will never hurt you.
whisker-rubs and purrs to you!
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