The Lady came into my room tonight, and sat real quiet for a while. I peeked out from under the bureau. Then we played with the feather thingie. I ran around the room and she watched. I played with her fingers again, and tried to bite her toes. We had fun. I let her get close, but not too close! I sat in the big cat's hammock. I did all kindsa stuff. I had lotsa fun.
I've been tagged twice already. That's plenty. I can't even think of 5 things weird about me, let alone 10. OK, I have a titanium rod in my leg. That's pretty weird. My favorite toy is a pill bottle with unpopped popcorn kernels in it (even though I don't know what those are). I live with two big cats that act like they are afraid of me... I live in a house with one Lady, two other cats and THREE working computers... ok, that's four... hmmm... I haven't let the Lady close to me yet... but that's not weird.
Oh, the Lady just said something about "sleep" and "pumpkin time." I guess that means it's gonna get dark soon, and I can run around and show the big cats how fast I am!
OMGosh! Millie, you look so cute peeking from under the bureau!! I love it! So glad you're learing to trust your human slowly but surely.
Oh yes, now I run and jump around in front of everybody. But I don't let anybody get too close. The Lady tried to touch me today and I ran to my hiding place.
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