Mom has been really tired lately. Hot Flash has been bothering her at night, so she has been having a hard time sleeping. And she is having a rough time at her day hunting gig. She's been working on the SSP, and she says it is --- ---- ----------- ----- --- --- ---- ----. These are some of the reasons I haven't been visiting as many of your blogs lately, and I am sorry about that.
Of course, Mom has -also- been watching the
tennis at Roland Garros in France. She says on Saturday, she will watch
Big Brown run in the
Belmont Stakes.
I will try to make sure she sits down so I can be near her and purr. I will also do my best to teach her to take a nap when she is tired. After all, that's what I do.
Millie, you look lovely on your quilt. Definitely make sure your mom sits down and rests!
Your SSP is intruiging! We can't wait to see what it is!
Do try to purr on your Mom as much as possible, it will make everything seem better.
we cannot wait to see what the SSP is!!
you're looking very cute Millie
Tell Mom that Sprout loves a warm chest to snuggle against...;)
We love the new picture headers on the Gizzy & Quilting blogs... you should be on the banner for your blog!
Good for you, Millie, for taking care of your mom. There's no hard work that can't be improved by taking a purr break, a nap, or (preferably) both!
You look lovely on that quilt, Millie.
I hope you can teach your mommy to snuggle and nap! It sounds like she needs it.
I wunder what the big seekrit is! We will be watchin Big Brown too tomorrow. And I'm purrin reel hard that all the horses haff a safe trip.
I hope your mom can get some good rest soon. You look great next to that quilt, Millie.
It's the weekend now! Everyone should have a rest at the weekend!
Daddy sez dat mom's night sweats were just as hard on him as dey was on her...mom sez HAH! She kinda liked da hot flashes, she even called dem "power surges" but dat was mostly cuz hers came during one of da coldest winters and her was warm because of dem. Den she started taking some herb thing wif soy and black cohosh and she felted better and better.
Yous gots a goods job dehr, takin cares uf your Mawmee. Our Mawmee drinks lots uv soymilk... sohs no hot flashes yet!! (she's blushing)
you iz a mirrakul kitty and so glads to meet you and your Mawmee.
hugs and purrs,
frum Katiez Katz
That's a very feminine quilt, Millie. We hope your mom's life calms down so she can rest.
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