Monday, June 22, 2015

Millie Monday

Mom was surprised to see me at the very tippy-top of the kitty condo in the studio. I don't usually get way up here, but as you can see I am quite comfortable.  It is supposed to be a very nice day today. We had rain all day yesterday, and although that is good, I like the sunny days best.

Mom's feeling better. She doesn't need to be held down any longer.


Megan said...

That's a gorgeous pic of you today Millie.

Good to hear that your mom is feel better. Might still be worth sitting on top of her every now and then just to ensure that she's relaxing enough.

Sydney, Australia

Pat said...

You do look quite comfy there, Millie.

Summer at said...

I'm glad your human is feeling better, Millie!

da tabbies o trout towne said... oh de tree iz all ways de best place ta bee; unless oh course yur in de kitshun...close ta de box called fridge; lookin fora slite snax ~~~ & glad yur momz feelin better ~~ ♥

Monday walkers said...

So pleased to hear that your Mom us feeling a whole lot better.

Please be careful right up there on the kitty condo, Millie.

Noela Sydney Australia

Just Ducky said...

I like to drape across the top of the tower too. Glad your mum is feeling better.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Is yer snow melted yet? Just kidding. We have the serious hots here early...

Ellen in Oregon said...

It's good to hear that your mom is felling better. Those evil Lymes are on our "bad list" for making your mom so sick. We wonder if your mom got rid of the evil Lymes by reading so many books in one week? You should rest on the top of your kitty condo more often, Millie. You must have a great view of the neighborhood from that vantage point.

Rain sounds nice. We haven't had any rain in a long time & today we had the hots at almost 100 degrees! It was so hot, mom ate 2 frozen fruit bars for dinner. I had chick-hen Feast like I usually do. Tomorrow will be even hotter, so I will find some somewhere dark & cool to hang out.