Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Words Only Wednesday

I know I've been bugging Mom to take more pictures but yesterday she took some pictures that you don't want to see. 

Mom has a boo-boo on her eyeball and it's red. She's got pictures of it, but they'd freak you out, so you are going to have to use your imaginations.  Mom called the eye-vet and they told her it was likely a burst blood vessel and she'd just have to wait it out. The nurse said it would take about a week to go away, and that it was just like a bruise and that it would change colors and get really ugly looking.

Mom says it doesn't affect her vision, and it doesn't hurt. If either of those things happens, she has to go see the eye-vet. Mom has some eyedrops to keep it "lubricated." I don't know what that means, but I think it means slippery.

This red-eye thing means Mom may not be able to look at any of her computers for long periods of time, so she's going to be chillaxing when she's home, and I will be able to sit beside her and get scritches.


Ducky, Mr Karate and La Girlfriend are in Los Angeles. They visited Hawaii for the Turkey-Day holiday.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Hold Mom down on the couch so she will rest her eye!

Megan said...

Take good care of your mom, won't you Millie.

Sydney, Australia

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh yikes! Purring for your mom!

Just Ducky said...

That means she can't go day hunting. So lots and lots of time with you. Plus, no finger holding up project, or sewing or .....

Just hanging out with you. Healing purrs being sent.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Purrs to yer Mom... Reddy things in the eyes sound sad.

Ellen in Oregon said...

How cool is it for your MOM to have the ugly eye to scare beins with, especially when it doesn't hurty. I seen peoples with that bleedy eye and always glad it don't happen to me or my Mom. Uggggh! Are you sure you can't share gross pictures? Could be verrrry intresting & educational. Rest your bleedy eye Mom & get better, We send puuurrrrs to your eyeball to heal quickly, Sit on her lap to hold her down Millie. Tell her she can only get up to feed you,

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom had one of those not too long ago. It did take a while for the blood to be re-absorbed.
She said it's funny watching people trying not to look at it....

sandra said...

Millie, I'm sure you were kept VERY busy sitting on Mom so she would rest!! On the other hand I bet all the resulting scritches were good.