Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Treat Tin

This is the treat tin.It lives on top of the coldbox, next to the bowl of Mom's treats.
Mom keeps it full of my favorite treats.
9 PM is treat time. I tell Mom it's time for my treats, and she gets the treat tin down from the coldbox, and opens it up, and gives me my treats.I love treat time.


Angel Simba said...

Millie, my humans have a tin like that too! They have had it a long time, and for quite a while, they kept sugar in it. I think I must make them find it and put our treats in it. Very good idea.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Millie, you certainly have your Mom well trained. And you can tell time. Smart girl.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very smart! We meet Mom at her bed when she goes down the hall at night. Our treats are in her bed side table!

Max said...

Nice tin! We have a treat drawer. Buddah spends a lot of time trying to get it open, but so far he hasn't been able to.

Megan said...

That sounds like a truly excellent arrangement Millie. I hope when your mom tells you that it's time for her treats, you're as generous (and prompt) with her as she is with you.

Sydney, Australia

Sparkle said...

Our treats are hidden all over the house! I think that sometimes my human forgets where she has put them.

The Selvage Fairy said...

Bedtime cookies are the best!

Monday walkers said...

Good. Millie - I hope she is able to be more disciplined about treats for her, than I am with myself!

Noela Sydney Australia

Gigi said...

The Human says that the cookies that come in that box are really nommy. Maybe that tin makes your treats extra-good?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Smart kitteh to know exactly where your treats are kept! Now, if you just had thumbs.....

eva said...

what time is mom's treat time???
mat, mer, mor

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Millie, what a bootiful container fer yer treats. We just have a plastic jar, so we are inspired ta ask TBT fer a fancier one.