Saturday, August 06, 2011

Strange Saturday

When I first got here, I let Mom pet me a little. Now I tell her when I want to be petted, and where I want my scritches. Sometimes she'd try to brush me, but I wasn't quite sure about it. Now though, I like it. Mom has this funny thing she uses as a brush, and it pulls out some of my extra furs. It doesn't hurt, and my furs look really nice afterwards. Lookit this pile that came off this morning!


Shaggy and Scout said...

We have our Furminator that gets the undercoat too. I love it! -Shaggy

Katnip Lounge said...

Millie, we missed you Gotcha's all Mommy's fault! We think (well, most of us) that being groomed is simply the BEST. That's a lot of fur for one kitty!

Angel Simba said...

You are very good to allow that kind of brushing. I am not very tolerant of brushes or fur extractors etc. Mom wishes it were otherwise.

Pumpkinpuddy said...

I don't like the brush or the furminator. What's that thing your mom uses? Maybe I'd like that better.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats a inneresting-looking brush! Obviously it werks, but we cant figure out HOW...

Pasha's Mommy said...

I'd luv to make a pillow out of all that fur and sleep on it every night, so I could smell you in my dreams sweet Millie :)

Please excuse my street manners... I'm working on it.

KnottedFingers said...

Aren't furminator's the best ever! Look at all that fluff!

Mommy M and The Garrison

Athena said...

I love getting furminated! I agree, it makes our furs look really nice to get all that loose fur off!

Motor Home Cats said...

Mom used to have a brush/comb like that for Camie. Only it was a curved hacksaw blade with a piece of rubber hose tubing over the end for a handle. It worked really well on her short coat.

Cody and Gracie

Cindy said...

Lookie all those furs! I still don't understand why black and white cats fur looks gray in a pile.

Sparkle said...

I LOVE that metal brush thing TOO (but then, I love brushing of all sorts)! That is a lot of fur for a short-haired kitty, Millie, but you should see the pile Boodie generates when my human uses that metal thing on her! We're talking a second (and third!) cat!!

Megan said...

Wow Millie - that's a lot of fur. I guess it's better that mom brushes it off than you lick it and swallow it. You always look gorgeous, so I'm thinking that your mom must use it a lot.

Sydney, Australia

Monday walkers said...

I agree with Megan- a lot of fur and you always look gorgeous!

Noela Sydney Australia

Mr Puddy said...

Miss Mille, I love to be brushed too, Especially this time of the year. Here is nearly the end of winter.
And I couldn't believe you got lots of fur !!!

Have a lovely day, Millie

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We bet it does feel good to get rid of extra hair like that! As fur looking good Millie, you always do! xoxo

Cassy said...

That's good as your become more beautiful and shinier.

Cassy from How To Strum A Guitar

Kikky said...

Now your mom can knit a kitty that looks just like you to keep you company!

Just Ducky said...

You will have a new grey cat soon!