Mom says the thing she uses to get rid of my old, loose furs is called a "shedding blade."

She can't remember where she bought it, but you can find them
here, and

I like it because it Mom can use it without holding me down. You all know how much I like to be held,
Mom says to read the reviews.
Wow Millie! That thing is scary looking. Then again. It's not much better than what I use on my kitties. Here's what we use
Mommy M and The Garrison
It looks pretty vicious Millie. I'm surprised that you enjoy having it used on you.
Sydney, Australia
I can't believe that you LIKE that, Millie! ( but then I am not a gorgeous pussy cat. )
Noela Sydney Australia
Before we got the FURminator, my human used the shedding blade on Boodie. Boodie does not mind being held as much as she used to, but my human still Furminates or brushes her by locking the both of them in the enclosed patio and following her around for about 20 minutes or so, brushing her all the while.
We don't like the look of that ~ it looks like a torture device! We prefer our zoom-groom.
Happy World Cat Day!
Millie , I do agree with Milo and Alfie, But if you love it . Just be careful ! it look easy to get hurt from it.
And I just want to say " Happy World Cat Day " to you
Those things look scary, indeed, but they do work! We have a few at the animal shelter, and they are good for the kits who don't like being held. :)
Happy World Cat Day, Millie!
If it works and you like it, that is all that counts. WE may need to try one here on kitties that 'love' to be held as much as you do!
Oh wow, I think I need one of those!
BTW, I have a contest for a free bag of Natural pet food. Today is the last day to Enter if you are interested!
Wow, that is an interesting tool!
We have been spotty commenting today so we are going to try to zip around this evening and tell our friends we hope they had a great World Cat Day and may it be a fab World Cat Year!
That thing looks wicked, but if you like it, go for it.
yeah, we remember sumthing bout you being held! We used to haf one of those fur our pony! They're great! xoxo
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