Mom's had a busy week. Her new digital camera arrived yesterday. I am pleased to say that so far it doesn't flash in my face every time Mom uses it to take a picture of me.

Hugo is interested in everything. Here he is checking out the new little camera.

And lookit! He went to the Evil Little Chocolate shop*, and
-gasp- they make Temptations for Beans! Hugo selected some special treats for
Julie, his next hostess.

these, in the red ribbon... they are headed to my very special extended family in

Along with some
real Temp-tay-tions for that special man-cat in my life!
*By the way, Mom and I have decided to start the
When When Contest early this year. It will be open on February 15. So get your thinking caps on and be sure to check back here February 15!
Oooooh Millie - I gotta tell you that they make temptations for beans in all shapes and sizes. Many of them are chocolate, but some of them are even liquid. Do pusscats have liquid temptations?
Sydney, Australia
I wonder if my human is as skimpy about giving herself treats as she is giving treats to us cats.
Those sure do look yummy.
Wow, our mom wants some of those human temptations!!
mmmmmm our the mom is drooling. it's not pretty.
We have to agree, our Mom would love some people temptations. Hugo we wish you a safe trip to your next place. It sure looks like you have had such a good time at Miss Millie's house. Take care.
Our Mom would love those temptations!!! We're glad to see Hugo is so helpful!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Mum says those people temptations look very tempting!! We are going to borrow her calculator and work out the day for our when when entry.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
ps can we enter with living in the UK??
OH! Mommy is dribbling at the thought of Evil Chocolates. YUM.
Ooh, Hugo got to go onna outside trip! We know he helped pick out good stuff. Its nice that Mom gotta camera that doesnt flash alla time...
Great photos ... love the new camera!
Will let you know when Hugo arrives!
Those chocolates look yummy!
What more is there to say but "yummy, I wish I were there!".
Noela Sydney Australia
Purrs! Happy Valentine's Day =^_^= those chocolates look sooo gooodddd NOM!
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