Monday, November 22, 2010

Millie Monday

This bunch of plates and bowls is another item on Mom's list for the big Turkey Day. Mom took them all out, added these little sticky notes, then took the notes off and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

I'm telling you beans are weird!


Megan said...

I'm very concerned Millie - I can't see one labelled Stinky Goodness. Surely your mom will get out a special plate for you to eat from on Turkey Day? Methinks that a small reminder might be in order.

Sydney, Australia

Mr Puddy said...

Your mom has a really good organize : )

Karen Jo said...

Beans are weird all right. My Mom put those sticky things on my food dishes when she deserted me so the cat sitter would know what went in each dish.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi Millie ~ well it's ok being weird as long as yoo get Turkey! Happy Thanksgiving for the weekend.

Katnip Lounge said...

Our Mommy would love it if your Mom came to visit and organized her!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Your mom is one organized lady and we bet your kitchen is going to smell awesome on thursday!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Wait, she organized the bowls wif sticky labels, THEN took them off to run through the dishwasher? Isn't that kinna like catchin a mousie THEN puttin it inna trap?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is weird! Why put tags on them and then wash them?

Just Ducky said...

Ah yes, your mum is wise! She made sure she had all the bowls she will need, what will go into them. She knows she has enough, now to clean them so they are good for the foods.

Millie said...

Derby, you got it in one! Yup, she got all the ones she needed, and then washed them. And yes, when they came out of the dishwashing monster, she stuck the labels right back!

Gigi said...

Do you think you could fit in that dip dish, Millie, cause that would be pretty funny!

Millie said...

Pfft.. I could fit in any of them!