Friday, October 22, 2010

Find Me Friday

I really like this quilt Julie made for my Mom. Gizzy used to nap under quilts and blankets. I'm thinking a lot about Gizzy lately. Mom's been telling me stories about when he was a kit.


Sparkle said...

That is one of the best things about quilts - you can hide in them and NO ONE can see you at all!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ah, you are unner the blankey like we do!

Ayla and Iza

Megan said...

I see you Miss M. You've almost blended in to the black and white fabrics of the quilt your mom made, but not quite.

Sydney, Australia

Monday walkers said...

Millie - I have just caught up with three days of blogging - - I apologize - I don't want you to feel "neglected" - you seem to have had a bit of that of late with your Mom and her tippy-tapping.
We're here for you and I am sure that you can feel us scritching -( and don't you love it!)

Noela Sydney Australia

Angel Simba said...

That looks like a cozy place to take a little nap.

Karen Jo said...

You almost disappear completely under the quilt, Millie. I didn't see you at first.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Yup ~ Miss Angel would have been right there with you . . . UNDER the quilt (she was my official binding assistant).

SO glad you andy our mom enjoy the quilt, Millie!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We had to look very hard but we found you Millie!

The Meezers or Billy said...

that looks cozy on a cold day like today!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Millie, is there room for The Baby? She loves to burrow, too!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We think Gizzy is a most admirable cat to imitate.


Hi Millie
Thank you so much for the package. I got it today and really enjoyed opening it. I will have Mom post some pictures for you to see.

Thanks again!
Miss Boo

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We think your Mom is telling you about Gizzy while she is tippy tapping! Those look like cozy quilts!