Yesterday the score was
Millie: 1
Mom: 1
This morning, Mom went out. When she came back, she had this:

In her mind, the score was now like this:
Millie: 1
Mom: 2
However. Do you see me in this new PTU?

Millie: 2
Mom: 2
But later Mom and I got into an argument. She bribed me with stinky goodness. She bribed me with treats. She chased me around the house. She moved furniture. I was NOT going into that PTU.
She begged. She pleaded.
I resisted. I howled.
She got her leather gloves.
I hissed. I scratched.
In the end, we were both worn out, and I ended up in the original PTU.
Mom was shaking.
I was panting.
Millie: 2
Mom: 3

We went for a ride in the new metal masheen. We went to the v-e-t.
Millie: 2
Mom: 4

Millie: 3
Mom: 4

Millie: 3
Mom: 5
A very nice, very gently lady v-e-t petted me, and told me how pretty I was. (I get a point for that.) She looked at my teeths. (I get another point for that.) She poked my tummy and I was very nice. I didn't growl or scratch or fight. (I get another point for that.). I think I got stabbed. (I deserve two points for that.) She carefully trimmed my claws, stroking me all the time. Then she picked me up, and very gently carried me into another room and put me on a scale.
Dear cats! I actually lost weight! I am a very slender, svelte 10.3 pounds! The very nice lady v-e-t said I was PERFECT! (I get another point for that.) When she was finished, Mom brought the PTU over to the table and I hopped right in! (I get another point for that.)
Millie: 10
Mom: 5
The Very Nice Lady V-e-t said she added a note to my record that I did not like getting into the PTU and that any future appointments should be considered "flexible." Dunno what that means exactly, but it didn't sound bad. Sounds like a point for ME!
Final score!
Millie: 11
Mom: 5
And beans think they are smarter than cats!
Of course cats are smarter. You win in more ways than one. You don't have to go back for a year, you lost weight and you are Perfect.
Of course cats are smarter. You win in more ways than one. You don't have to go back for a year, you lost weight and you are Perfect.
LOL! Well, we're glad it was just routine stuff, Millie.
Our mom leaves all our carriers open 24/7, with blankets in them, up in a spare room. Annie has been known to nap in them, Derry too, once in a while. They are the top-loading kind, so when it's time for the v-e-t, she just closes the front door, opens the top hatch, goes and picks us up and carries us upstairs and plops us in, no fuss or muss. She picks us up enough every day that we, unfortunately, don't see it coming.
Millie yoo can owt-smart any mummy, anyday!
I actually find it more difficult to get kitties OUT of the carrier than to put them in.
I'm glad you had a good check-up Millie and are the picture of health :-)
Not only do you win, but I think you get extra points because your Mom has opposable thumbs that make manipulating the PTU easier than avoiding it is.
Millie you were so brave putting p with being poked and prodded!
I like the idea of the going to the V-E-T being flexible!
Of course you get way more points, Millie - you totally showed everyone that no matter how much they fought, YOU were in charge!
Well, ya had ta finally go to the VET, but we are glad ya scored more points! Congrats on the "win"...
Well played Millie. And the very positive feedback from the nice lady v-e-t was particularly gratifying. You are officially "perfect". I think we all thought that already, but now it's been formally acknowledged and documented in your medical records, no one will ever be able to dispute it.
As for your poor Mom - how about giving her a point for perseverance? And a point for choosing you - Miss Perfect - in the first place? That woman sure has good taste.
Sydney, Australia
Sounds like everyone did a good job! But you are extra special perfect :).
~Lisa Co9T
We are exhausted just reading that!
We, too, are always happy to go back into the ptu when the exam is done. No Problem there!
We think that is funny you went into the smaller cozy carrier. Hope mom can get her money back on the big one! You showed her!
PeeEss: That big one is the same carrier mom has for me, except red. Being I'm 18 pounds, when she lifts it she always has to remind herself "Lift with your legs, not your back!"
At least it is over for another year. We have a big carrier too, with the open top. I like it. I can see out and up when I ride.
you know Millie,
Your mom is not very big as beans go, but she is always going to be bigger than you, and since she has leather gloves, the trip to the VET is probably unavoidable.
So, if when the ptu comes out, you should just pick up your head and march right in. You'll get two points - for cooperation, and dignity.
Dear Millie,
Helen here, but my human mom is writing for me. I had a similar experience yesterday at the v-e-t. My mom had to use the gravity to get me in the ptu and the v-e-t had to pull me out as I was hanging on for dear life. I think I got stabbed 2 or 3 times and they shot some nasty yellow goo into my mouth. They shoved very long Q-tips into my ears! Believe me, when that was all over I ran back into the ptu and begged mom to get me outa' there! They told me I was pretty, but I knew it was just a ploy.
Here's to a whole year of no v-e-t!!
Have a wonderful day,
We so sympathise with you Millie - Hannah has been to the v-e-t torturers many times this year and she tried everything to avoid the carrier. Mind you mum ended up wearing gloves to put her in the carrier the last few times as her hands were scratched to ribbons. Hannah is still mad at me cos I hid and didn't help her - well I was frightened mum would end up taking me by mistake!!
You've got a year to think up your new strategy before next time.
BTW is your mom going to get a dog now she has a carrier for one??!!
we are sorry you still had to go to the v-e.. v-.. ve-....that horrible place, but it sound like they treated you well, and your score beat your moms! yay
It stinks that you had to go to the Vet Millie, but it sounds like it was a good visit, and you came out way ahead!
sorry you gotted stabbed and stuff, and that in itself sounds like you didn't win, but you really did win! good job!
Sounds like you got a clean bill of health, Millie! :) And we are glad to see you got WAY more points than your Mom!
ICK!!! We do not like those sneaky trips to the Vet either!! However you were brilliant and proved that kitties are the smarter ones :) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We had a kitty once, a tortietude type of kitty. She knew when she was at the v-e-t she had to be on her best behavior. She didn't know if the people there would forgive her if she shredded them. Us... she knew we loved her and would forgive her. Sigh...
Dear Kea: I have never, ever, gone into a PTU willingly for anything. Even foods.
Dear Megan: ok. But only -one- point.
Dear Selvage Fairy: I'll think about it.
Millie, we are so sorry that you got terrorized and had to fight so hard! But in the end, you prevailed!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
P.S. We're not sure if Blogger ate our previous comment for this post, so we are trying again.
Message to Mom Lynne from Mom Sue:
Whew! We know how rough it is! We had two feral kittens in our home for a month. A few times, they got out of the foster room, and Mr. Bibs was next to impossible to catch. Given his penchant for pooping anywhere but the litter box, letting him stay out of the foster room was NOT an option. Sometimes I was able to corner him and then scruff him. Most times, I had to (this is going to sound horrible) grab him by his hind legs and place him, flailing, snarling, spitting, and hissing into a PTU to transfer him from one bedroom to another.
You are a kind soul to accept Millie as she is. Mr. Bibs and Hidey are now back with their feral colony, and much happier I am certain!
Mom Sue to The Furry Bambinos and The Fosters
P.S. Cortizone-10 Plus works great.
Glad you came out perfect. I used to fight mom about the carrier, too. Then she got me my little red tent. I has my nice fleecy bed in it. I sleep in it, I play in it, and when it's time to go somewhere, since the tent is always there I don't know ahead of time why mom's picking me up. She picks me up and puts me in my comfy tent and I'm just fine. Now, getting me out of it on the other end is another story! MOL
Wow, nice staycation cept for the Vet part but you survived it! Oh, and are you sure it didn't say you were 'Fx' instead of 'Flexible'? In vet lingo, that means fractious, hahameow!
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