Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuxie Tuesday

Finally. My blog is mine again!Mom went out hunting for me and came back with bags full of stinky goodness, treats, Breeze pads and pellets for my two litter boxes and she got me a nice new scratching pad. I love it.

Woo Hoo!

I love my Mom, no matter how much I tease her, I love her lots and lots.


Poppy Q said...

Scratch pads are best - especially if you get your mom to put some dried nip on there Miss m.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow that scratch pad looks pawsome!

Megan said...

Wow - YOU look pawsome, Millie. You look like you're really getting stuck into that scratch pad, giving it grief.

But as for this "two litter boxes" - boy, that sounds a bit over-indulged!

You're very lucky to have a Mom like yours.

Sydney, Australia

Hannah and Lucy said...

That looks a pawsome scratching pad - is it carpet or sisal on the scratching surface?

Cat said...

Millie your mum is a good woman to bring you so many goodies! That scratching pad looks great!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that is a lot of awesome stuff you got Millie! And we know that you love your mom lots even when you are teasing her!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Nothing like a nice new scratching post/pad!
Those butterflies from yesterday sound real pretty!

Katnip Lounge said...

Of course you love your Mom, Millie! We make fun of our Mommy alla the time but we'd be lost without her!

Cindy said...

I'm so glad you like yours. We bought one for Rosie and Henry, but they are ignoring it. Even though there is catnip on it.

Gigi said...

I got me one a those about a month ago. I LOVE it too! Sooooooooooo satisfying for the claws.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are living right!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, that is lots of neat new stuff. Especially the new scratch pad!