I was in the Cat Cup when Mom got home from day hunting yesterday, but by the time she got back with her little flashy camera, I had hopped out!

Lots of junk moved around last night, and I hear there will be all kinds of noise tonight, so I'm camping out under the bed. Anybody who wants to join me and keep me company, you are quite welcome!
It will all be over very soon I think Millie, so just hang tough for a little while longer.
Sydney, Australia
We'll come and keep you company! We'll even bring nip. :-)
We'll come over pronto!
You look as though you are shouting HELP in the photograph Millie.
we will come ofur!!
Perfect place to be when there's a lotta hub-bub!!!!!!
We're on our way over ~ we fink yoo should make it a party!
You look like you are giving your Mom orders...we can see your mighty bottom fangs! Stay safe under the bed.
xx Lounge Kats
Is she really still moving stuff?
I'll come hang out with you! Under the bed is my favorite safe place!
Are you telling Mom to knock off the noise?
We are not sure we would ever hop out of a heated cat cup bed. Even if the flashy WAS coming.
Millie, Did you mom lose her computer during all that moving? It's a sad day when there's no MIllie in it!
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