Alright, already! Here's the picture everybody has been waiting for!

Mom's moving stuff around again. The "office" is gonna be the "sewing studio" and the "sewing room is gonna be the "office." Except the computer isn't moving.
Go figure.
Me? I've found a nice, soft, warm, comfy napping spot well out of her way.
Heh! Good for you, Millie!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Nice bun, have a good nap.
That looks like a nice place for a super nap Millie. Have a great week end.
Stay cozy and out of the way. That way you won't get tagged for any heavy lifting, or worse yet, dusting!
xx Lounge Kats
That looks like a comfy spot to watch all the hubbub from.
What is with humans always rearranging stuff? The best thing to do when they're in that mode is to stay out of the way. In fact, it's really the only thing you can do!
Why do moms do this stuff??!!!
You have chosen the wisest path.
In your cat cup - photographed for all to see. Yaaaaay. Good on you for agreeing to get into it and sit still while your Mom took your photograph. Thank you Millie.
I hope all the rearranging in your house isn't too disruptive or upsetting. Of course, you'll need to do some snoopervising to ensure that it's all done 'properly', no doubt.
Sydney, Australia
I don't get why the hoominz move their stuff around all the freakin time. And then half the time, they move it right back where it was! I guess for some of them it's the only exercise they ever get.
Your Mom moves rooms around a lot! She must be very strong!
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