Mom got a new computer monitor with a few of the green papers she got from this Uncle Sam guy. The rest went to
her our tickets to Mary-land and she gave lots of green papers to some guys named Bill. The monitor is nice and sharp, but she says the colors need a bit of adjusting, as they are pretty strong.
Monty, I love you lots darling, but if you think the snow that fell at your house belongs to me, well then, get used to it... I hear you're gonna get a lot more this weekend!
PS, I do not live in that
yellow house. That is the house across the street.
Alright for the green paper getting! We had to pay green papers this year. :(
I am glad that your Mom got some green papers from Uncle Sam. A new monitor sounds great. We got lots of snow today and it's still coming down.
And I bet she put a few of those green papers aside for Millie surprises, stinky goodness and presents, Miss M!
A good photo of you today - I'm thinking Spring with that grass green underneath you, so perhaps we'll pencil it in as the April shot for your 2011 calendar?
Sydney, Australia
Well yoo are looking good today Millie, very colourful in fact!
Getting those green papers instead of giving them sounds good to me.
Millie you are looking beautiful today. Your colors look so pretty against the beautiful green.
From your friends at
Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines
yay for noo monitor!!! that blankie complements your furs really well!
Green papers for a new monitor are always nice!! Green seems to be YOUR color - maybe she should have given them to YOU!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Our Mom and Dad will have to send green papers to Uncle Sam! We hope this is the last year they have to do that! We like your green blankie!
Wow a new monitor is awesome! We hope that our uncle sam gives our mom some green papers - we hope she gets us treats with them!
Green is your color honey!!
Congrats to you mom bean for her new monitor. You sure are looking beautiful on that pretty green afghan! *purrs*
Green papers are good. At least humans think so. They don't taste very good.
Yeah, this Bill guy must get a lot of money. I'm always hearing Mom say she has to pay Bill. So glad your Mom got a new puter monitor. The green afghan you are laying is really pretty. You look really comfy. Maybe when it gets warm out your Mom could go out with her flashy thing and take a picture of the house you live in. Just a thought.
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