Mom's got a lot of her stupid chores done, and will be spending time in the sewing room today, where I shall snoopervise her newest batch of quitly trees. She was squee-ing last night because she did her taxes and some guy named Uncle Sam is gonna be sending her some green papers.
I can see a trip to Mary-land in my future....
Oooooo!! Looking good :) We lost a lot of our snow too and Mom is happy. It is sunny and cold today, but Mom says it will warm up a bit and be overcast all week :o
We think that Uncle Sam is mighty nice to give money to your Mom!! Bet that made her smile :) You too if ya get to see Monty ;)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
Wow, we see grass out der! We don't see grass here, it's still all white. Uncle Sam must be a nice man to give yoor mom money...oh, our mom sez it's her money anyway. Well, at least she's getting some of it back.
All our snow as gone now. But they say more may come in the next coupld of months. We've had enough of snow now
WE are glad you are loosing snow. You have a good Uncle Sam. ours is mean. He wants us to send him money!
Our snow has gonned too! Roll on Spring!
Must be getting close to the annual When When competition Millie - yes?
Fabulous news about your Uncle sending green papers. Perhaps you'll score a new nip toy as part of the celebration?
Sydney, Australia
Yeah for Uncle Sam! We hope he sends green papers our way too!
You have less snow than me on the ground! Did the tree ever lose all of its leaves?
Ohhh we are so glad your mom is getting some money back. We think there is far too much tax.
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