After the test, Mom came home and made herself dinner and then sat down to finish her book. No Christymas decorating. I spent some time exploring the tree again, but when I am in that big box and hear movement, I jump out VERY VERY FAST, so no pictures.
PS. Mom regrets we will not be able to send out many Christymas cards this year. Mom says it's the e-con-omy. We have received some lovely cards though, and we want to thank you all.
MomBeans says it's something like one big groping, but I don't know what that is either.
Would some Mooshy-mooshings help her?
We hope your mum is okay after having to go to the v-e-t-s for a test!
Our Mom said she hates that test. WE think she always passes it, though. WE hope your Mom passed, too!
Tell your mom I totally sympthize with her, although I think the dentist is WAY better then this test - I have one in a few weeks but have to go every year - NOT a good time. We hope she passed it!
My mom told me she hasn't had to do this yet but she is supposed to start getting them when she turns 30, something about her mom. But she says from what shes heard its not something to look forward too, probably as much as she hates that other yearly tradition that lady beans have
Boobies! Heh.
Sorry. I had to.
The Woman needs to go get hers done, too. She forgot last year.
The thing is, Millie, that at the dentist you can have 'happy gas', which makes the whole experience not too bad at all. I wonder if they'd consider introducing it at the human vet for lady tests of all kinds (as none of them are much fun at all!)
Aren't you glad you're a pusscat?
Sydney, Australia
oh our the mom hadded that test once several years ago 'acuase of a prollem she had. she saided that she didn't like it at all and is glad she doean't haf to go back for 3 more years.
It must have been the day for that M word. Momma had one and another bean she met today had it done on the 7th too!
Hope your mum's M test will be be9. hehehe. Mum isn't doing much decorating yet either.
Good on your mom. What a lovely picture of you Miss M, with such big beautiful eyes.
We think we will not do cards this year either, we have run out of time.
Next thing you know there will be a tax on Temptations. Then the e-con-omy will really be in the litter box.
Yoo could post a card on your bloggie ... that's wot we did.
Here is ours:
Well, leave it to Max to say it!
As long as we don't hafta have it, its just a Bein problem.
Onna separate subject, could we bribe (threten) some sqwirrel to go rip those last few leafs off the tree?
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