Thursday, October 08, 2009

Lazy Thursday

Mom got up really really late today. I had to wait for my breakfast. She spent most of the day in the sewing room, making more skinny little bags. Some even have cats on them.

I have been napping nearby. When Mom tries to take a picture of me, she turns the camera on, and, naturally, I look up to see what she's going to take a picture of. When I see it's me, I close my eyes a bit, so I don't get blinded. Makes her kinda crazy.



Amy & the house of cats said...

Lola does the same thing with the camera - she is always either squinting or totally closing her eyes.

Your mom is very lucky she was able to sleep in today - I am jealous!

Anonymous said...

Is you mom on vacation? It's nice to be able to sleep late when its chilly out.

Noll's Nip said...

You are very clever Millie ;)

Just Ducky said...

Mum worked on her flashy box so it doesn't make the loud beep anymore when she turns it on. So I get surprised more often.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those are neat skinny bags! You are very cleaver to look up when you hear the camera

caspersmom said...

Millie you sure have nice places to nap. Your hammicks look so comfy. Goodness you have a goatee just like Cleo does. Her face peak goes higher which makes more white around her eyes. But I guess you saw all that when we posted Cleo on the neat quilt you made for me. It's going to be nice to watch the leaves change where you are. We also don't have trees around us that change. Ooops forgot the Maples down further on Main St closer to town. They are pretty. Maybe Mom should get some pictures of those.


Anonymous said...

We love it when you say "heh."
The FurryPurries

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are gonna hafta try that squint thing, cuz we get all blinded so often. We cant help it, we just hafta look for whats makin the whirry noise.