I like HAM. I do not like Space Travel. Space travel makes me feel like this:

Space travel makes me feel dizzy. I do not like floating. I like to have my four feets on the ground.

or my whole self. This is much better. I have enjoyed the
HAMs of the Werld Tour (except for the space part) It's been great to visit with my gal pals, Missy and Sanjee, and everybody else.
See you tomorrow! ** smootchies**
The flight over to London did make us a big queasy too - or maybe it was all the HAM!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You hold onto the Big Tabbyman, tuxiekins. I'll protect you!
We had fun in space. Angel had to keep pulling Kirby off the ceiling!
What, you didn't like flying with Daisy and Buddy as co-pilots? I think they did a great job. Well, except for a few... Still, I think they did an excellent job. We all survived the trip.
That is great that you are having fun on the hams tour!
You have some time to rest up now.
It was great traveling with you Millie.
Hmm, we musta slept thru da "floating" part...either that or we were to heavy to actually float!
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