Wednesday, September 16, 2009

IBOL Wednesday

Remember about three weeks ago when I asked you all to help send bundles of fabric and yarn to Art in Iraq? Well, you responded. Art needed a warehouse to put the bundles. The bundle count is 2889*. Yes, almost three thousand. There are more in the pipeline, including 161 from Sew, Mama, Sew.

Two thousand eight hundred eighty-nine just a number to you? Check this out, and be sure to scroll down to see the video. (It's only 24 seconds). Or you can just click here. This just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. (Wait, I am -already- warm and furry...)

Mr IBOL now truly understands how powerful quilting mamas, the internet, and kittehs truly are.


*The Wednesday night number is: 3436


Mia said...

Way to get the word out Millie!! We are so proud of all that you have helped accomplish =)


Unknown said...

Wow Millie
Our mama gotted the gooseybumps when she watched that video. That's a whole LOTTA LOVE!

Thanks for posting this so we had a chance to help out.

mr ibol-if you read this-we salute you!

The CYclone Cats (on mom's account)

and Conner

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow! That's great!

Megan said...

And wasn't it only last week, Millie, that you heard a rumour that someone was going to ban cats from the blogosphere? Wow - look at what they can achieve (apart from looking just plain gorgeous and providing loads of eye candy!).
Congratulations Millie and Mom for getting behind this cause and helping to promote it.

Sydney, Australia

Anonymous said...

It's the kitties, yes, it is! People who ♥ their kitties are good peoples at ♥.

Cindy said...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Way ta go Millie and Mom!

Just Ducky said...

People to people, helping hands reaching out. We rock.