Thursday, August 06, 2009

Blog-oversary Buffet

My Gotcha Day is also my Blogoversary. Mom really went all out. She set out three bowls of stinky goodness for me! From the left, Mixed Grill, Beef, and Turkey. She always leaves out some crunchies, too.So which one did I devour?
The Mixed Grill.

Gotta keep 'em guessing!


Poppy Q said...

Happy blogoversary too. Your taste test feast was a great idea, as mum isn't sure which one is my fave, and that is a great way of trying a few out.

Hope you got your mom flowers.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats on your blogoversarygotyaday!!! You had a big yummy buffet!!!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Happy blogoversary Millie girl. You are on lucky little kitty to get such a choice of stinky goodness.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Blogoversary!! That buffet looks super!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Furry Bambinos said...

Your Mom is so sweet to offer you a buffet! Maybe you just wanted some variety! Padre is the finicky kitty here. Dad sings a sarcastic song about trying to figure out what flavor Padre will eat.

Congrats on the Blogoversary!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

Forty Paws said...

Lufferly food bowls!

Luf, Us

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Whoa! Can you teach our Mom to do that buffet thing? It looks scrumptious.
Happy Blogoversary!

Tybalt said...

Happy Blogoversary and Gotcha Day . . . and WAY TO GO!!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

hahahahahaha good job Millie

Lone Star Purrs said...

Happy Belated Gotchaday!! And Happy Blogoversary! What a busy few days you've had!
~Meeko & Kiara

Mia said...

Aren't you jsut the luckiest Kitty ever!!! a Gotcha Day and a Blogoversary on the same day!!! Lots of good stinky stuff too!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Gotcha Day and Blogoversary! You had a great buffet!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow, Mixed Grill was not my guess - you are usually all about the turkey! Happy Blogoversary - ours is tomorrow - I didn't realize they were so close!!

Reese =^..^= said...

Meowee! Happy Blogoversary and Gotcha Day. Let the celebration begin.

Deborah said...

Happy Everything Millie! Every morning Rusty and I sit down with a bowl of cereal and read your blog. He saw the buffet of bowls and is now demanding a snack festival for himself. Mixed Grill is a favorite here as well. We better do it before daddy gets home. He doesn't understand such things!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy Blogoversary and Gotcha Day! WE are kinda picky about some of our FF too!

Monty Q. Kat said...

You' tuxiekins. I was locked behind a baby gate at 6am and thought an empty box would be fine to use. Sadly the plastic bag in said box gave me away and do you know MomBean can come FLYING out of bed when she has too?

It scared the **** out of me. Literally. As I was jumping out of the box and running under the bed...

Really, you get used to the doghouse after a while. Breezy, nice cedar smell...

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Blogoversary Millie and many moooore!! WOW!! Lots of yummy foods. too!
Your FL furiends,

Just Ducky said...

Extra goodies to each, always important. Yep, keep your mum guessing, its good for her.

Cory said...

Happy Gotcha Day and Blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

A Gotcha Day AND a Blogoversary? WOWZA! You really have had a full social life lately☺ ♥HAPPY, HAPPY ON BOTH OF THOSE WONDERFUL EVENTS♥

Karen Jo said...

Happy Blogoversary, Millie. Your buffet looks scrumptious. Always keep your Mom guessing. Things are more interesting that way.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow! You certainly got a good buffet.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Looks like you haffed a good day... anytime there's multiple cans of Fancy Feast, that's a good day!
Love & Purrs,

pee ess: I's updated tha Offishul Cat Blogosphere Calendar to shows yours Blogoversary, too. So glad you's got a blog, it jus wouldn't be tha CB wifout you.