Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Guess whose birthday it is today?

You wanna know how old she is? It's the same number as the number of followers I had when I post this. Mom says something about a "speed limit," but you didn't hear it from me.


Parker said...

Double nickles!
Happy Birthday to your Mom! My Mommy is only 4 years behind her!
ps - lovely quilt!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Happy Happy Birthday Millie's mom.

Mia said...

Tell your mom Happy Birthday!!!!

Kikky said...

Happy birthday, Millie's Mom!!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Tell your mom we said Happy Birthday, hope it's a good one!

Noll's Nip said...

Speed limit in "what" state?

Happy birthday to Millie's mom and many happy returns :)

Megan said...

Happy birthday Lynne. Thank you for investing your time and energy and whimsy and heart into Millie's blog. There are many of us who look forward to our daily 'dose' of Millie.

Sydney, Australia

Tybalt said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! She is definitely one special and talented lady. Purrs!

Annie said...

Happy birthday, Lynne! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Mr. Karate said...

Happy Birthday!

Kaz's Cats said...

Happy Birthday to Millie's Mom! Hope you girls get to relax together at some point today,


Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

Poppy Q said...

Happy birthday Lynne! We hope you have a lovely day, with treats and smooches. Are you having some birthday adventures? We hope you get to do something fun.

Big hugs from us.

Julie and Poppy Q

Fat Eric said...

Happy happy purrthday, Millie's mum Lynne!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday Lynn! We hope you have a very good day! That is a pretty quilt. Age is relative, you are as young as you feel!

Nomi said...

Is that a 30mph speed limit??

Susan R said...

Happy Birthday Lynne!! I'm sure Millie meant the speed limit in a school zone right? Many happy returns; I love the picture, the quilt is beautiful and your smile makes me smile!!

Daisy said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!

Mishkat said...

Happy Birthday to Lynne! Our mom is almost there too (in case she asks, you didn't hear this from us).

P.S. We love the photo - and that quilt is beautiful!

Deborah said...

Kitty kisses from Rusty who is sleeping on his Gizzy quilt! Happy Birthday!
Rusty and Deborah

Unknown said...

happee happee birfday Millie's mom!!

Reese =^..^= said...

Happy Birthday! That's a gorgeous quilt.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday Auntie Lynne!!!!!!

Motor Home Cats said...

Happy Birthday Millie's Mom. We hope you have a wonderful day with lots of snuggles.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Sara said...

Please do tell your mom Happy Birthday from my mom and me ---

Killian & Sara

Amy & the house of cats said...

Tell your mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us at House of Cats!! And I thought you had more than 29 followers - that is surprising!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Purrthday Millie's mom!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Wishing you health and happiness! Happy Birthday!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

SophieKitty said...

Happy Birthday to Millie's mom! Hope she has lots of fun.

Shaggy and Scout said...
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Shaggy and Scout said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom, Millie.
She shares today with our dad, who is now the big 5-0!
Let us know if she & Mr Karate did anything special!

Ollie and his mom Nikki said...

Happy Birthday Mom Lynne! =^..^=

Anonymous said...

It's mine now send me that purr-esent☺

Frostin said...

Happy Birthday Lynne!!!

Hope it is a great one.

Bob, Monika, and Frostin's Court

Carolyn aka Silkquilter said...

Happy Double Nickels Birthday to your Mom. I have 3 years to go. Sorry I am late with the greetings, I have been out of town.

Mostly Lurking Silkquilter\Carolyn

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no, we missed it. Happy belated birthday to your mom, Millie! And she shouldn't worry. If she's doing the speed limit, she's okay.