I have the most beautiful thing to show you... This picture just makes me woozy with delight.

It's my supply of Turkey stinky goodness. I have -finally- got Mom trained. Instead of buying several different flavors of stinky goodness, now she just gets the one I love best.
I am such a lucky girlcat!
Holy cats, that's a lot of Fancy Feast!
Oh Millie, I feel a little faint!
Wow that is a great stash. Our evil Mom doesn't give us any stinky goodness. We will just sit and watch your stash all day.
Miss M, I bet now you have a trillion cans of turkey, you will decide you likes another flavour.
I will have to find a can of that and eat it in honour of you.
Glad your mommy finally got wise. Now that she is not wasting money on other stinky flavors, she has more to spend on other things to make you happy!
Happy Monday!!
We love that flavor too!! We also like the Liver and Chicken. Those flavors don't have grains or gluten so they are pretty healthy for us!
Nice stash!!
Boots, Ozzie & Brenda
We like this flavor too, and Chicken Feast.
Finally they learn. It does take a long time sometimes. I am so happy your mom is with the program... finally.
Turkey is soooo good
That is a wonderful site!
*faints* that is a lot of delicious stinky goodness. I like different flavours though. My special food I have for my diabetes comes in 6 flavours, 3 fish and 3 meat. I like all of them except the beef but I still haveto have beef sometimes because they only sell it in mixed packs of flavours. Also my special food does not come in my absolute favourite flavour, tuna, so sometimes I get a can of tuna as a treat!
Wow Millie, that is a great sight. Mom went out and bought us 3 cases of food from Sam's club, but she said that will only last us about a month. 4 cats eat a lot of stinky goodness - mol.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That is funny Millie! Meowm tries to get our favorites, but they change so often that she gave up! Now if we don't eat all of our stinky goodness, she puts it in a dish and gives it to the outdoor kitties.
Wow! That is a great stash. Mum gets us different flavours because we keep changing our minds about what we like.
Half of our earthquake kit is cat food. Mommy says that the real disaster would be to be caught without cat food in the house. I have her trained well. Last night papa offered me "stinky goodness". Looks like we are getting him trained too!
Your feline friend,
Food, glorious food!
Mama does this for us too, dust buys our faveritt. But we likes to change our faveritt ocashunilly. Right now, we likes the Stinky Goodness tuna wiff yellow fins and flower teens in it.
Millie, we had that flavor for breakfast at our house today! It is one of the favorites here too!
Turkey Fancy Feast is GREAT! We love it.
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