Saturday, June 27, 2009

Three Year Rescue-versary

Today is my 3-Year Rescue-versary!

Three years ago I was a feral kitten living in Connecticat, and I got hit by a car. I almost went to the Bridge. My leg was badly broken. I was stuck in the middle of the street and I couldn't move.

Malcolm rescued me, and later, many other cat loving beans helped with the green papers to pay the v-e-t to fix my broken leg. A couple of months later, I moved here to New Hampster, to my forever home.

You can read a short version here, and the whole story here. My story continues, and it's a -really- good story. You have all been a part of it, and Mom and I are extremely grateful. My life changed three years ago today. Mom didn't know it at the time, but hers did too.

Now I am a spoiled well-loved kitty. I am Top Cat, have a Mom who really loves me, a handsome mancat boyfriend, and friends all over the world. I get stinky goodness, temptations treats and I get to sleep in nice clean laundry.

And no cars to worry about! What could be better than that?


Samantha & Mom said...

Happy 3 Year Rescue-versary Millie!! We are so glad you were rescued by Malcolm and forever homed with your Mom!! We are so glad to be furiends with you! ((((((((Hugs, purrrrs and grrrrs to you both!!!!!))))
Your FL furiends,

Peggy's Place said...

WooHoo 3 yr. Rescue-versary!!

Millie, we have to tell you that you are the reason we discovered the CB. We helped Malcolm a little bit and followed your story from that moment on. You were very lucky to have good beans look after you.

your friends at peggy's place.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Oh, Millie, has it been three years. It seems like yesserday sometimes. Mine mommie lived by the computer to keep up wif how you were.
Malcolm is such an angel, Mommy said she'd never forget reading that he took you -- a tiny stray -- in to the vet and paid over a thousand dollars.
We helped Malcolm a little bit, too, guess a lot of folks did, just like they helped Charlie Cat.
Happy Rescue-versary. And I's putting this on the Offishul CB Calendar.

Anonymous said...

Darling Millie--We are with Peggy's gang. Since I grew up very near New Haven, I knew right away where you were. All of us are -so- glad you lived,and so glad we could help. We worried when Malcolm said they were leaving...but that got you your forever home,and your wonderful Mom. You made it, Millie, and you are a darling!

Love and hisses from Meepsie, Smokey and Mumma Jan

Anonymous said...

Happy Purrthday to you, sweet Millie, and many and many more of them too☺

Milo and Alfie said...

Dear Milli,

We have come over to your bloggie especially, to wish you the very best anniversay day possible.

Your story is one that touched our hearts and we will always be thankful to Malcolm - and other good people who help cats in need.

Love and purrs from Milo and Alfie xx
And our Mom xx

Karen Jo said...

Happy Third Rescue-versary, Millie! I remember reading your story as it happened and I also helped out a bit. I am so glad that Malcolm saved you and that you found your great forever home.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy third rescue-versary Millie. We remember reading all about you at the time. We were lurkers and used to read some blogs for a couple of months before we got our own blog. We are glad your story worked out so well.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Happy Rescue-versary Millie. We remember that so well, and we are so glad that you found such a great forever home. Hugs.

Poppy Q said...

I did not know that the 3 year rescueversary present was laundry. Mum wonders if we cans send you all ours.

Happy celebrations sweet Millie. I hope you get extra temptations.

Parker said...

I remember reading all about you - I was a lurker too.
Millie - I am so happy that Malcolm saved you, I hope he's having fun in Mexico!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Happy Rescue-versary Millie. We was there from the very beginning purring and purraying and efurryfing. We is so glad that your story continued after Malcom moved away and you moved to New Hampster! We love you and your mom lots and lots!!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Rescue-versary, Millie! We love a story with a happy ending!! Hope you have a great day!

Fat Eric said...

Yay for a happy rescue, Millie! Wow, three years has gone fast. We donated towards your leg too. So glad it all ended up so well!

Anonymous said...

We read your story and it has a nice happy ending to it! Happy rescue-versry Millie!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We remember your story, Millie. We're so glad you were rescued and celebrating your 3rd rescue-versary.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We knew you then too Millie. Our best memory of it all is finding out that you had been adopted and that she had 2 other black & white cats and that she was gonna blog! Its been fun watching you grow up honey!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Happy Rescue-versary Millie and Mom Lynne! Yay!! We are so happy for you!

We here at Casa Furry Bambino are all rescues, too, so we understandifies the importance of today!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

Deborah said...

You are one lucky kitty. To have a mom with a big heart, clean laundry to fur up, AND Temtations is a dream life. From the mommy side, I know that you give much more back than you get.
Happy rescue-versary!
Deborah and Rusty

Chrissie said...

Darling Millie-face, there's no better thing you could be doing than layin' in a pile of laundry, fresh from the dryer. That's just nearly Nirvana for a cat, wouldn't you say. I'm so very grateful that there are Malcolm's in this world. And Lynne's, too.

Daisy said...

Happy Rescue-Versary, Millie! I am so glad your rescue story has such a happy ending.

Anonymous said...


Mamacat didn't even know what a blog was until she found Malcolm's story about finding you. Happy Rescue-versary, sweet Millie!

Mamacat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & Honey

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy Rescue-versary Millie!
We a'member when Malcolm rescued yoo and yoo gotted yore leg fixed n all. And then yoo got a grate furever home! Yay!!!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Millie and many happy returns! We love reading about you and your Mom and Mr. Karate and Mimay and Pipay and everyone else. Many blessings to Malcolm and your Mom for giving beans a good name.


Miss Kitty and her TLO

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We remember your story too!, Millie. We're so glad you were rescued and celebrating your 3rd rescue-versary.

Love, uSSSSS

Max said...

HAPPY RESCUE-VERSARY!!! Hard to believe it's been 3 years, yet at the same time it seems like so long ago. I should go see what Malcolm is doing., Haven't checked his blog in forever...

Motor Home Cats said...

We can't believe it has been 3 years since we first started reading about you. We are so glad Malcolm took a chance and rescued you.


Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Anonymous said...

Happy Rescue-versary! We remember your story from the very beginning and probably even have it memorized, but we're gonna go read it again on this happy anniversary and feel good all over again. Purrs!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Day to you Millie, I remember your story furry well. Glad it has had a happy middle and hopefully end. The beginning wasn't the bestest, but it got better.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Oh goodness, Happy Rescue-versery ta you! You are a lucky cat an we are so glad ta be reminded of yer happy story...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Rescue- versary! We are glad there are people like Malcolm and your Mom in this world! We have followed your story from the beginning where we read about you on Max's blog! Hope you had a good day!

Chesney Cats said...

A belated Happy 3rd Rescue-versary Millie!! We read your story a couple years ago & we thought it was just amazing! We're glad that efurrything worked out so well for you.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are a bit late but happy rescu-versary!