Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

I didn't like being left alone when Mom went to Mary-land this summer. Since she's been back I have let her know that I want attention.So when she sits in her recliner, I run over and get next to her so she can give me some pets and scritches. I don't always stay long. Maybe half an hour. But it's enough.

Frankly, I do it for her, because she gets lonesome sometimes. It's the least I can do.

And here is a little bit of what she was doing last night. I know these aren't on The List.

You know, they remind me of that song... "It's beginning to look a lot like....."


Anonymous said...

I do the same for my Mom - 'cos they need cuddles from us furries.

Frostin said...

Queen Munchkin likes to lay next to Bob like that during the rare ocassions that he watches TV.

Poppy Q said...

I am like you miss M. I run through the lounge, and jump up on my mums knee but I only stay for a 10 minute snuggle at the most. Thats enough, as they get too wriggly jiggly for me.

Anonymous said...

Millie, were you about to say Christmas? It's still miserable degrees hot here! It's not easy for us to think about Christmas just yet, no matter how much we love it!

Anonymous said...

nonooonooo no don;t say that dreaded word Millie AAAHhHHH.. we doez not like time of year here!!
I know what you mean about 1/2 cuddle, the things we do-os for our Mommas huh? :))


Monty Q. Kat said...

I find some claws to the back around 2am lets her know I love MomBean.

She likes it, really. She even sits up to say my name!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Millie we re member when you would not be touched, or come out from under your hiding spot, no way!!!

Lux said...

Those are pretty quilts ... snuggling is a very good thing!

Fat Eric said...

It is nice to cuddle with the humans sometimes Millie. But I like to lie ON my humans so they can't move, I don't think you do that.

Christmas? My humans went to the supermarket at the weekend and they already had all the Christmas biscuit boxes, chocolate gift packs, Christmas cards etc on display. It's too early!!!

Just Ducky said...

Hmmmm, I remember when you said you would never let the mom pet you. Now you sit next to her.

I agree with Fat Eric, too soon for Christmas. Stuff is out in some of our stores too.

Anonymous said...

I always thought a wet nose in the ear at 4am meant love! Because I sure am loved...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Is it just our color-sight, or do we see a pattern in the 2 quilts?