Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Here are 13 ways I get Mom's attention.

1. Lie on stuff when she's trying to pack a suitcase.2. Lie on a quilt she is trying to finish.
3. Lie on a towel she left on the bed.
4. Lie on the ironing board when she's trying to iron.
5. Dig in her drawers.
6. Drink the water for the iron.
7. Help with a quilt design on the floor.
8. Mess with her stuff, push it around. Whap it on the floor.
9. Get comfortable on a quilt she wants to finish.
10. Lie on fabrics she is trying to sort.
11. Lie on fabrics she is trying to keep flat.
12. Lie on a quilt she is trying to work on.
13. Ignore her when she wants you to move.


Earthypix said...

Heh heh. I like to lie on things too,especially BoyBeans Pokemon cards.It drives him nuts x

Poppy Q said...

Miss Millie, you are a tricky trickster. Do you lie on the newspaper when your mom is trying to read it?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Millie, you are so AMAZINGLY helpful to Mom!

Frostin said...

I think I would stay away from the ironing board if I were you. That iron thing gets real hot and I wouldn.t want to cook my whiskers.

Anonymous said...

You are quite the little helper, Millie!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Hubba hubba! Come help me!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said... are so smart!!! Hee Hee

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

And we know how much your company means to your mom!

The Meezers or Billy said...


Anonymous said...

Millie those are great hints on how to thoroughly annoy a Mom. We do the same to our mom too!

Tybalt said...

I like #13 best, Millie. Hee hee.

Us4 Cats said...

Wonderful photos of a beautiful kitty.

You look like mamas little helper. You must love yer moms sooooo much cuase you like to cozy up with her scent.

We totaly get that. It is our fav too.

Parker said...

I call that last photo "The back of disrespect!"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Max has taught you well! Nice Tuxitude!

Shaggy and Scout said...

that last one is the best!!!!

The Furry Kids said...

Those are great ways to get her attention. hee hee

Niko and Cloud said...

My T13 was similar, I listed the activities I did today, most of which annoyed the beans. I think I might have learned a few tips from you though; I'll have to try some of that especially since dadbean is currently working on sewing a hollo eene costume.

Anonymous said...

Holey Moley, you lies on the ironing board?!?!
Momam taught us to be afraids of it coz she was so frightened about us getting hurted.
Ohh I loves burrowing into drawers, and wow you is so helpful to your Momma with her quilting!!


Fat Eric said...

Annoying? Seems like you are just being a cat to me and doing your catly duty!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Looks like you have the lying on a quilt down quite nicely.

P.S. Those are some beautiful quilts

Chesney Cats said...

You are such a helpful kitty, Millie. We wouldn't have to lay on the beans things if they would just give us their attention 24/7/365.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Anonymous said...

I love all these pics. You lie in places that I've yet to try - but I'm on the case!