Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Mom!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Mom!
Happy Birthday to you!
In our fambly, on somebody's birthday, we call them up and sing "Happy Birthday." It's best if we can call early in the morning. Nobody sings very well in our fambly, except for maybe Mr Karate, so the more off-key the song is, the better. And it's against the rules to leave the song for the generic answering machine guy to deliver.
So Mom's gonna be yakking on the phone after day hunting, and she won't get anything useful done. Works for me. I will take advantage and sit near her and get scritches.
update: Mom is squeeing because Monty's KidBean just called and sang her the Happy Birthday song! What a sweet kid!
(p.s. Mom is fifty-something. I think that means she is older than dirt. Well, maybe not that old... maybe older than kitty litter.)
And I thought mine mombean was old! Millie, your mombean must have been around when the Pyramids were built. I hope you gets lots of good snuggles sitting next to her.
Happy Birthsday to you Millie's mombean!!!
Happy birthday to your mommy!
Many wishes for a very Happy Birthday to your mom!
Hapy Purrthday to yer mom! Are you gittin' furs on her cake?
Okay, now we is gonna mention dat thing we din't yesterday....Happy Birthday Millie's mom!
Happy Happy Birthday to Millie's mom!
Happy Birfday, Millie's Mommie. We hopes you haf a furry happy day.
Love and Purrs,
Millie, that isn't old. Happy Birthday Millie's Mom! We hope you have a wonderful birthday. Millie, sitting next to your mom and getting skritches is probably the best present you could give her.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy birthday Millie's Mom.
Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! Wishing her health and happiness!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Happy Birthday from Zoolatry... where the "bean" is way, way, way older than dirt! Cause when you're "way" there you can have your cake and eat it, too.
Enjoy the day.
Happy Purrfday Millie's mom. Hope you have a great day. Our mum sez we haf to say your mom isn't old cuz she's probably older than your mom.
Happy Purrthday Miss Lynne. I hopes you gets lots of treats and we like singing the purrthday song to our fambly, badly too!!
Put your feet up and relax and we hope you enjoy the year ahead. Thanks for making our lives more fun and being out friend.
Poppy and Julie Q
Happy Purrfday Millie's mom!!
Our mommy says that 50something is the new 40something!!
Happy Birthday :)
We already sang! Well, KidBean did. :)
Happy 39th Purrfday!!!
Happy Birthday Millie-Mom. Hope you have a great day.
mommy and me had to wish your mommy a very Happy Birthday!
Now we gotta' go 'cause Mom's doing this from her hunting place!
Smooches to Millie's Mom!
Happy Purrfday Millie's Mom!!!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday, Millie's Mom!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy birthday to your mommy!
Happy Purrthday Millie's Mom Lynne!
You can't be older than dirt. Not sure about the kitty litter tho. hehehe We hopes yoo has a grate day!
the Hotties
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Auntie
Happy Birthday to you
And many mooooooorrrrreeee
Roxy & Lucky
PlusOne and Mom already sang. (And badly)
Well happy happy happy birthday to your wonderful mom!! I hope Mr. Karate does something special for her :).
Happy Birthday Millie's mom!!!!!!!
May all your birthday wishes come true!
-The McKitten-Cats
Willow and I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays, Millie's Mom! Hope you have a wonderful day with all your friends and family singing you Happy Birthday!
From us ::singing::
Happy Happy Birthday...
May all your dreams come true...
Oh, Happy Happy Birthday...
With love from us to you!!!
China Cat (& Willow too)
Happy Purrday Millie's Mom!!
and Mom Debra
Happy happy purrthday Millie's mum, hope you have a lovely day! Floofy headbonks and rumbly purrs from me.
Happy Birthday, Millie's Mom!!!!
Awwww - what a great surprise, having KidBean sing to you!
Happy Birthday, Millie's mom!
Happy & Hoppy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Millie,give your Mom a hug from us!! :)
Purrs Mickey
Well, if we must sing...
Happy Purrthday to you,
Happy Purrthday to you,
Happy Purrthday dear Millie's Mom!
Happy Purrthday to you!
... and many mooooooooorrrreeee!
Haaaaappy Birthday, to Yoooo, ::operatic voice, tenor-ish::
Haaaaappy Birthday, to Yoooo,
Haaaaappy BirthdAAAAAAAAAY-uh::inhales biiig breath::--Tooooo
Yoooooooooooooooo ::holds note forever and turns blue in face, falling over into a heap::
ahem*clears throat and assumes air guitar position*
Happy birthday to yooooouuuu (hold air guitar note)
Happy birthday to yoooouuuu (holds air guitar note)
Happy birthday dear Millie's moooooomm (holds air guitar note)
Happy birthday to yooooouuuuuuuuuu (plays crazy high note and sets the guitar on fire)
jeezly crow! how can we follow an act like HENDRIX's???
anyway, heartfelt purrthday wishes to you, dear lady--we are so thankful that you came into millie's life 'way back when. don'tcha love it when a plan comes together, an' you gets to be part of it??!
purrs & headbonks,
nelson, edmund, nitro, and xing-xing
Happy birthday!!
Hava Bird day to use,
Hava Bird day to use,
Hava Bird day deer Millie's Mom.
Hava Bird day to use!
Happy, happy birthday!!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Birthday Millie's Mom and many, many, many mooooore! Hope your day was the greatest day ever!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Purrthday Millie's mum Lynne.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Hugs and Purrs,
Mindy & Moe
Happy Birthday, Lynne!
My mommy giggled at your b-day ritual. She apparently couldn't sing the song when she was a kid-bean and sang "Hat day you-you." Needless to say, her mom calls and sings that to her every year (and vice versa).
Enjoy your special day!
We have that same ritual at our house, and the singing abilities vary GREATLY!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Happy belated birthday!!!
The happiest of birthdays, Lynne!
Jessica, DMM & the Feline Americans
Happy Belated Birthday Millie's Mom! We are sorry we missed your big birthday but hope you had a great day.
Mr Chen and Ollie
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